Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, October 19,1 904


Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, October 19,1 904


Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, President of The Citadel.


The Citadel Archives & Museum



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Havana (Cuba)


Typed transcription:

Habana 19 de Octubre de 1904

Sr. Asbury Coward..

Sup’t de la South [Carolina]  Military Academy.



Tengo el gusto de presentarle á los jóvenes portadores de la presente, que lo son mis hermanos politicos Sres. Francisco Alba y Gomez de la Maza y José Alba y Gomez de la Maza, los cuales conforme le decia [sic] en mi última carta ván a esa Academia para ingresar en ella como Cadetes de Paga.

Ellos entregarán á Vd. una Letra á su órden por $200.00 Currency, que conforme me decia [sic] Vd. en su grata carta fecha 14 de Sept. último, es la cantidad que deben pagar como primer plazo á su admision en esa Academia.

Le ruego me tenga al corriente de cualquier asunto que se relacione con mis referidos familiares y sin otro asunto por ahora me es grato repetirme á sus órdenes atentamente.

José Perpiñán


Translation by Christian Mateo Mérida:

Havana October 19, of 1904

Sr. Coronel Asbury Coward.

Supt. of the South Carolina Military Academy.



I have the pleasure of presenting to the young carriers, that my brothers in law Sirs Francisco Alba y Gomez  la Maza and José Alba y Gomez de la Maza, which according to what I said in my last letter that they go to this Academy in order to join it as Paid Cadets.

To be delivered to you is a letter of your request for $200.00 Currency, that you asked of me in your nice letter from last Sept. 14, it is the quantity that should pay for the first term of their admission in this Academy.

I request that you have the current information of which position that relates to my referred familiars and with nothing else from me I am pleased to repeat myself again at your service

José Perpiñán


Perpiñán, José, “Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, October 19,1 904,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed April 30, 2024, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/1714.
