Journal of John B. Patrick, August 12, 1863-November 11, 1863


Journal of John B. Patrick, August 12, 1863-November 11, 1863


John B. Patrick was a member of The Citadel's Class of 1855. He served as a professor of mathematics at the Arsenal Academy in Columbia from 1859-1865 and as secretary for the Board of Visitors from 1862-1865. During the Civil War, he was lieutenant in charge of the Battalion of State Cadets. His journals span from 1861-1865 and detail his personal life and health, religion, his work at the Arsenal Academy, cadet discipline, and Civil War activities.




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John B. Patrick Civil War Journals








Date Valid


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to listen to the whistle of the shells in their flight. What a state war brings us to! People here seem to care very little about the firing. May God grant that they may not yet have to care for it! I feel that if the city is saved it will be by His mercy and not because of human prowess or ingenuity.

Wednesday, Aug. 12.

I am feeling somewhat despondent since I heard that the enemy fired into one of our boats at Fort Sumter’s wharf early this morning. For some time past we have had to send troops & supplies to Morris Island at night. And now it seems that communication with Sumter is dangerous in the day time. Moreover they have been using the Drummond light for a night or two past and by that means have rendered communication almost impracticable save in small boats. A deplorable condition of affairs indeed. The populace are beginning to cast about

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for the party to be blamed for it. As yet they seem not to have seized upon a victim. Some intimate that Gen. B. is to be offered up, others say Gen. R. will suffer. Perhaps both have been remiss in some respects, but it ought to be remembered that no man is omniscient. For my part, if the city falls, I shall conclude that it is a visitation of Providence on us because of the sins of our people & not simply the fault of this or that General.

While here within the sound of the enemys cannon, I feel thankful to know that my family are blessed with good health. “I know in whom I have believed.” Oh that I could be more faithful!

Thursday, Aug. 13.

This morning I looked out of my window and beheld a body of soldiers bivouacked on the green. They are, I suppose, two hundred in number, a sad remnant of a Regt the 27th Ga. It is said they have been in all the battles

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in Va. since the campaign on the peninsula. Sympathetic emotions arise, as I look on the toil and battle-worn band. They came to their present position last night a little before ten o’clock. There were some ladies in this building singing within their hearing, who in response to the request of some of these war-worn men sang, “Let me kiss him for his mother” & “Home again.” Poor fellows! they have not ceased to be men, by their long familiarity with the horrors of war.

I attended the session of the military court this morning, while the case of Capt Huguenin was being tried. He was charged with disrespect to a superior officer, and also with endeavoring to incite a combination with a view to preventing the promotion of the same officer. Of the 1st I think he will be found guilty, of the 2nd he will be acquitted. - I notice another incident. An infant was found dead in a water closet this morn-

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ing, near one of the stations which the cadets are guarding. The verdict of the coroner’s inquest was that it came to its death by violence and that Dr. - was accessory thereto. A sad commentary on human nature!

A slow fire kept up all day. It is reported that Fort Sumter was breached near the upper part of the wall yesterday or to day, I know not which. Indeed it is difficult to get at the truth here. Some parties are becoming despondent. I feel gloomy but at the same time hopeful.

Friday, Aug. 14

The officers here held a meeting this morning to consider an amendment offered by Capt T. & Lts N. & R. in regard to proposed uniform. I urged the adoption of their amendment, which was to substitute “dark blue” trimmings instead of “emerald green.” My preference was black, but not

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being able to get that, I advocated the blue as a second choice. The green was adopted by a majority of three. - I have heard a few guns to day, but at present, one P. M. all appears to be quiet. - Later, firing continues. At night it is rather more rapid than it has been for some time. - I am informed that a boat has arrived here from Mobile for the purpose of destroying the enemy’s fleet. It is to do this by means of torpedoes, it being able to move under or on the surface of the water at the pleasure of the party maging it. Several of my colleagues have seen it but hesitate to express an opinion about it. I hope to see it to-morrow.

Saturday, Aug. 15

I have seen the torpedo boat referred to yesterday. It is, I suppose, 30 or 35 ft. long, about 4 ft. in diameter in the middle, and tapering off towards both ends until it comes to an edge or point

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like the common row boat. It is covered with sheet iron, has two thin bars of iron, one on each side, working on a pivot by which the boat is made to ascend or descend. It is therefore somewhat on the principle of a fish. There are two orifices or entrances into it, covered over so as to be water tight. Around these entrances in which there is placed one, perhaps, two glass windows about four inches in diameter for the purpose of giving light and seeing the direction. There are on the upper part of the boat four or five others doubtless intended to give light. It is said the boat may remain under water from 2 to 4 hours before rising to take in a fresh supply of air. How they are to manage the torpedo I have not learned. I have heard various plans suggested some of which are plausible, others non-sensical. Of course every one has to give an opinion as to what the boat will do.

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Some predict failure, others that naval operations are at an end. It has been tried with success elsewhere but under slightly different circumstances. I have no doubt that the boat can do all that is claimed for it, unless it be the management of the torpedo. I do not know how it is proposed to do this, and hence will reserve my judgement until a trial is made. They took on ballast this afternoon, and will, I hope, soon demonstrate what the boat can do. My best wishes attend the enterprise. May it not be that boat is the means by which a merciful God intends to rase the siege of Charleston?

Sunday, Aug. 16.

I regret that I am on duty to day because it interferes with my enjoyment of the privileges of the sanctuary. However I have made arrangements to attend service. - Find the exercises very interesting. Hear that a proclamation from the Gov. is to come out to-morrow,

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urging all non-combatants to leave the city in order that the military authorities may not be embarrassed in its defense. This is wise and prudent, and moreover it is the duty of those who have the matter in charge, to see that the poor, the helpless and above all, the families of indigent soldiers are provided for. It would be a poor return for a soldier’s service, to leave his family here to be exposed to the missiles of the enemy, & perchance to fall into their hands. - Capt T. came down this morning - brought orders from Gen. Jones to me, to detail the cadets for guard purposes at the Arsenal. The detail has been made & I find the cadets detailed manifest a proper spirit, perfectly willing to obey orders. I think it not unlikely that we will all be ordered back in a few days.

Monday, Aug. 17.

I feel fatigued this morning from having taken a long walk visiting my guards. - From what I can

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learn the people do not feel disposed the to heed the Gov’s proclamation. Doubtless it is hard for them to bring themselves to the point of leaving home, and seeking an abode among strangers. I think the Gov. has hardly expressed himself forcibly enough. - Very heavy firing this morning, but mostly from our land batteries I learn. It continued all day, though not quite so rapid as at one time this morning. Between 4 & 5 P. M. it again became heavy. I hear it now from my window, though it has almost ceased. There seems to be some uneasiness on the part of citizens as to the result. Rumors are circulated but I attach no importance to them. - To day it is the anniversary of my baptism. Twelve years ago, I submitted to the sacred rite and thus far I have never regretted it. I regret that my work has not been more satisfactory to myself, but have no idea that I shall ever regret trying to serve the Lord. It is good to trust in Him.

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Tuesday, Aug. 18.

Heavy firing again this morning. At this hour, 11 A. M. it has in a measure ceased, or rather it is not so rapid. About one the firing is slow - it increases at a later hour but is not so fast as in the morning.

Wednesday, Aug. 19.

Firing continued at intervals during last night. About four A. M. it became more rapid and heavy. It continued all day, directed chiefly against Fort Sumter. It is reported that Sumter is in a critical situation - “a heap of ruins” - but I cannot think it so serious yet. If the firing continues it may and perhaps will be reduced. Another rumor contradicts to some extent the above. Doubtless the fort has received considerable injury, still I hope the city will stand, even after the fort falls. - Late in the evening, I hear that the authorities expect an assault on battery Wagner during the night, or if not this, then

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to-morrow night. Amid all the conflicting rumors one knows not what to believe. I endeavor to exercise faith in God and thus believe that will yet be well.

Thursday, Aug. 20.

I heard heavy firing this morning about 4 o’clock, indeed it kept all night. The wind is unfavorable now for hearing, but it is known that firing at Fort Sumter still continues. It is now believed that the fall of that strong hold is only a question of time, and hence ladies and other non-combatants are thinking of leaving the city.

Friday Aug. 21.

I regret that I am on duty, because it is a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, and I would like to attend church but cannot, as my duties have kept me away. I try, nevertheless, to spend the day in a proper manner. At night I get relieved and attend prayer meeting - a pleasant one it is too.

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Oh! how consoling in these times of trouble to confide in one who is able and willing to protect and save.

Saturday, Aug. 22.

About half past one o’clock A. M., as I was going the “Grand Rounds,” I heard a shell, a little to my left, pass whistling through the air and fall in the city. At first I thought then was some illusion in the sound, and that the shell was fired at Fort Sumter. A second one came over, and I still fancied that it could not be so. A third came and I believed. Yes it was even so. The enemy were throwing shells into a city, containing thousands of women and children sleeping in fancied security, no notice having been given that the city was to be shelled. True, I learn that an anonymous communication was received yesterday by the commanding Gen. demanding the surrender of Morris Island and Fort Sumter within four hours on pain

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of the city being shelled. This was very properly returned for official endorsement. Instead of returning it with the proper signature, no further notice was given until the shells came whistling into the city. About fourteen shells were fired, only about nine or which fell in the city. - The others fell short. The firing lasted only about 2 hours. Why it ceased so soon is matter of conjecture. The shell is said to be a two-hundred pound Parrott shell. - I have written to my wife giving her the unwelcome news. I would gladly keep if from her, but I know she will hear it, and it is best that I should break it to her myself. - Heavy bombardment of Sumter today.

Sunday, Aug. 23d

Went to church twice to day - heard Dr. Smyth preach both times; - felt more at home than I do here. It is pleasant to engage in worship and contemplate a world of bliss, where no sounds of war or distress are ever known. We hear the roar of cannon regularly while there.

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Monday, Aug. 24.

Last night about mid-night I was waked by a friend who was aroused by a shell that fell in the city. Soon I heard another which fell short of this point. The community was aroused and as Major W - and I went down Meeting Street to ascertain at what point the shells were falling we met numbers of persons going from the lower to the upper part of the city to avoid danger. One poor old woman met us in great distress, saying that a shell had passed through her house and that she had left without taking time to dress, or to take any clothing with her. She desired to return to her dwelling to get some clothing, and asked us whether we thought it would it would be safe for her to do so. We informed her that we thought she would be safe in doing so and she passed on. Alas for man! that the wickedness of his heart, will lead him thus to distress a city. A fire is going on against the

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forts as usual. - The corps attended the funeral of Cadet Ravenel this afternoon at the French Huguenot Church. I never attended service in that church before, and judging from what I saw on this occasion I should not like it. The singing was too operatic, more over I do not like the formalities.

Tuesday, Aug. 25.

The enemy have not fired into the city since Sunday-night, but I know not why this is. Various rumors are afloat, and among them is one to the effect that the gun bearing on the city burst. Perhaps Providence interfered in this way to save the innocent and helpless. The bombardment of the Forts still continues. There is a rumor, too, that there is an assault going on against Fort Battery Wagner. We know not what to believe. - I sent my trunk away from the city to day, so that if we should have to retreat I will have nothing to lose.

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Wednesday, Aug. 26.

 I went this morning to see the carriage of one of the guns (Blakely gun) about which so much has recently been said. It is indeed a huge affair, too much so I fear to be used with effect. The ball weighs 665 lbs, is about 12 ¾ inches in diameter and about 20 in length. The shell is off the same dimensions and weighs 456 lbs. Both are ribbed with strips of brass to cause it to take a rotary motion. I noticed that it took seven cars to carry the carriage, it being in separate pieces. There was a fight between the pickets on Morris Island last night, which resulted in our favor. No firing this morning till a little after ten o’clock, since which, until now, 4 ¼ P. M., a slow fire has been going on.

Thursday, Aug. 27.

The enemy took our rifle pits last night, (those in front of Wagner). Slow and steady firing to day, I understand, though the air is so unfavorable that

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I cannot hear it from here.

Friday, Aug. 28.

I am on duty and it is raining. The indications are that the Equinoctial gale will soon begin. - There are rumors that our rifle pits have been re-taken, but it is found to be false. After mid-night, I go to inspect my guard. It is a long walk. At this hour, there is heavy firing going on. One gun jars the ground and the air is so favorable that I hear the projectile pass through the air from the time it leaves the gun until it falls.

Saturday, Aug. 29.

From being on duty last night, I feel much fatigued and hence sleep awhile. Went to see the “big gun” (Blakely gun) which arrived yesterday. It is a huge affair. Its weight is so great that I hear will be an obstacle in the way of its efficiency.

Sunday, Aug. 30.

Feel depressed to day. Hear a good sermon

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from Mr. Wightman of the M. E. Church. Nearly all the other churches, so far as I have heard, were closed. - Very heavy firing in the afternoon. There is no relaxation on the sacred day of rest, from the work of destruction in which our foes are engaged.

Monday, Aug. 31.

Have written two letters on business of importance to day, and also one to my wife. Besides this I have executed some commissions for my brother who is to pass through here to-morrow on a furlough for a few days. - Weather cool and like for a gale.

Tuesday, Sept. 1.

I learn that we are to be relieved from duty here and remanded to the Arsenal to resume our studies. In my judgement, this ought to have been done weeks ago, if the design of the authorities to keep up the institution. True the boys are doing guard duty here, but that might be done without them, and for

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this reason I think they should go on with their studies until they are needed here. Should they be kept here much longer, the class will not be able to complete the year’s course, and consequently they will lose a year. Moreover, if they are kept here much longer, it will have to be on a different basis from that on which they now stand, for parents will not consent for their sons to serve the Confederacy for an indefinite period, while they are paying the State to educate them. If they have to remain in service, their parents will withdraw them from the Academy and let them serve in an organization that will not require pay of them.

Wednesday, Sept. 2.

In consequence of illness in Capt. T’s family he obtained a furlough to day, and hence I am on duty in his stead. All is comparatively quiet to day. - Late in the evening the order is

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received, releasing us from duty and remanding us to our duties at the Arsenal.

Thursday, Sept. 3.

Have taken a long walk, to get passport and transportation for the company. Design going by this evening’s train. - The time has arrived to start to the R. Road. I take command of the company and we march away. The cars are crowded. I have to report two cadets for smoking, but apart from that they are orderly enough.

Friday, Sept. 4.

On arriving at Branchville last night, I transferred the command to Lt. S. with a view of going by Father’s. Waited till this morning’s train came up from Charleston and then proceeded to Midway where I met Father, together with many others that I knew. - At home, I found all well physically except my little nephew; but they were all feeling depressed because of a false, malicious and slander

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ous report which was designed to injure Father’s name. At this I feel hurt myself. It is indeed hard that a man who has lived beyond three score years in the enjoyment of a good name, should have to meet the malicious assaults of a mean man in his old age. Such alas! is the wickedness of the human heart, that it takes pleasure in annoying those on whom it can inflict no lasting injury.

Saturday, 5th Sept.

Left Father’s this morning for Columbia - arrived home in due time - found all that I left here in good order, except that someone has been in my store room and deprived me of the greater part of my lard and fully half of my bacon; some of my fowls are also missing. I am glad it is no worse, though it seems that this is enough for one to lose in two months, who is in the service of his country. Besides this, the grass has taken possession of my garden during my absence.

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This is the regular time for our church conference and I therefore attend the meeting. It is always pleasant to meet the brethren, but more especially so after mingling for a time with uncongenial spirits.

Sunday, Sept. 6.

Attended S. school and church this morning as I usually do when at home. Dr. Howe, of the Presbyterian Church, preached for us in the absence of our pastor. His text was taken from the 42nd Psalm, “Why art thou cast down O my soul, &c.” an excellent discourse it was too.

Monday, Sept. 7.

Twenty-one cadets were suspended to day for entering into a combination against the laws of the Academy. It seems that one or two whose demerits would soon have sent them away, and about the same number who were tired of study led the others into the difficulty. Their

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object, as stated by one of their number, was to get their parents’ consent to leave and failing in that “to leave any-how.” They endeavor to make it appear that patriotic motives led them to this course, but my impression is that patriotic considerations had but little to do with it. My brother-in-law was one of the party, much to my surprise and regret.

Tuesday, Sept. 8.

I noticed, this morning, before my brother-in-law left that he regrets the course he has taken. Perhaps the advice I gave him last night has led him to reflect, even though he cannot get his consent to carry out my views.

Wednesday, Sept. 9.

My family, expected both yesterday and the day before, arrived this evening much to my relief. All are well, for which I am thankful. Hope we will continue to be thus blessed.

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Thursday, Sept. 10.

Nothing unusual to day, except that I have made arrangements to go up to the Columbia Association to-morrow.

Friday, Sept. 11.

I attend the Association, and make some very pleasant acquaintances, but for some cause I feel too much depressed to enjoy the meeting as I had hoped to do. Spend the night at Dr. S. W. B’s - a very pleasant place.

Saturday, Sept. 12.

The business of the meeting is more interesting to day, and I am more cheerful. I participate in debate freely, indeed I took part in this respect yesterday. Dined at Rev. J. T. Z’s and spent the night at Mr. L. B’s. Mr. B. is a bachelor and I told him he has more of this world’s goods than a man without a wife is entitled to. He says, however, that he is going to change his condition soon.

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Sunday, Sept. 13.

There was an informal mass-meeting held this morning before time for the regular exercises, the object of which was to hear addresses advocating the Sunday schools question. By request, I addressed the meeting, after Rev. Mr. Cartledge had spoken on the subject. There was a large attendance and I hope some went home, resolved to pay more attention in the future to this important work. The charity sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Reynolds, after which a collection was taken up the proceeds of which were to be sent to our missionaries in the army, for supplying delicacies to the sick and distributing religious reading generally, among the soldiers. I do not remember, ever to have heard a more touching appeal than the Dr. made in behalf of this object. After service, I came home.

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Monday, Sept. 14.

I should like to have remained at the Association to day, if my duties would have permitted.

Tuesday, Sept. 15.

Nothing unusual to day - performed my regular duties.

Wednesday, Sept. 16

Attended our regular weekly prayer meeting for the first time in two months. My absence from the city deprived me of that as well as some other privileges. - Finished sowing turnips to day in my garden. I am afraid it is too late for them to do well, but I could not conveniently sow them earlier. We had a very good rain this evening which was much needed.

Thursday, Sept. 17.

A very rainy day. Otherwise nothing unusual.

Friday, Sept. 18.

A part of Jenkins’ Brigade passed through here to-day, and I had the pleasure of seeing

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several of my acquaintances. One of my friends & connections took breakfast here, and three others dined with us. I was gratified to see them looking well. They were well clad & well shod, and from what I can learn they entertain a very high opinion of their Brigadier; though one of them remarked to me that he believed that “the General would walk forty miles on the skulls of his men to be made a Major General.”

Saturday, Sept. 19.

I have been looking round to day to see if I could find a cow for sale. I found two, but the price is too great for me, or at least I think so, and will not give it, without further inquiry.

Sunday, Sept. 20.

The S. school was well attended to day, considering that there have been so many obstacles in the way of my attendance, as also of some

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of the teachers. - Dr. R- gave us an excellent sermon on the text “Submit yourselves to God.” After his introduction he enforced this duty to God, as the Creator, Preserver, & Destroyer of man, - the last in a qualified sense. A sermon at night: from the pastor.

Monday, Sept. 21.

Spent most of the afternoon in working problems for the accomodation of a friend who asked me to solve one for him some days ago.

Tuesday, Sept. 22.

We have additional reports of a great battle in North-West Georgia, in which Gen. Bragg is said to have beaten the enemy under Rosencrantz badly. I fear, however, that while there has been great slaughter of men, and perhaps, much glory gained for our army, that the substantial fruits of the victory will be

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small. Rosencrantz has advanced slowly and has doubtless fortified the positions as they gained them, so that now in falling back, he has but to retreat from one fortification to another. This much however is gained. His advance has been checked.

Wednesday, Sept. 23.

An unusually pleasant prayer meeting we had this evening. The sentiment, and scriptural truth, as thy day so shall thy strength be was both sung and commented on.

Thursday, Sept. 24.

Heard of a cow for sale to day for $225, and went to see her but was too late. She was sold just before I arrived. They sell at fabulous prices now a-days.

Friday, Sept. 25.

Nothing to record to day, except that

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I have taken a good deal of exercise in planting or rather sowing turnips. Those I sowed some days ago did not come up well and though it is late in the season I determined to sow again.

Saturday, Sept. 26.

Wrote a recommendation to day for a young man who was once a pupil of mine. He is an applicant for a position in the regular army. Unless he has changed much since I knew him, he would doubtless make a good officer.

Sunday, Sept. 27.

Taking it altogether I have spent a pleasant day pleasantly. This morning at S. school I had all the scholars save those in the Bible classes take seats together for the purpose of listening to my instructions, and observing the map to which I referred frequently. It was cheering to hear them sing.

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I hope from the interest now manifested in it that the school will be more prosperous in future.

Monday, Sept. 28.

I have applied myself closely to day and am now feeling weary.

Tuesday, Sept. 29.

There is nothing of an exciting character from the army to day.

Wednesday, Sept. 30.

Father-in-law arrived this afternoon, & in consequence of his being here, I did not attend prayer- meeting this evening.

Thursday, Oct. 1.

Attended an auction of imported goods to day. Never before, have I seen so large an assemblage of Jews. True there were many other persons present that were not Jews, yet the great majority of them were.

I also witnessed the marriage of Lt. B. and Miss N. The ceremony was performed

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at the Washington St. M. E. Church. One part of it struck me as being peculiarly appropriate and beautiful. It was that during the prayer the bride & groom both knelt. - One question that was propounded to them, was in my judgement unnecessary, viz calling on them or either of them to confess any objection, if any existed, to their union. Had there been any objection it would have been urged before they went that far.

Friday, Oct. 2.

Father-in-law presented me with two thousand dollars to day, but what to do with it I know not. There are many things that I could buy, but there are few that it would be profitable to buy in these times. I trust however that I will be able to invest it in a way that will pay me something.

Saturday, Oct. 3.

Spent part of the day collecting pew rent.

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Had company this evening and was, in consequence, prevented from attending to part of my duties. Received pay for military service to C. S. while in Charleston.

Sunday, Oct. 4.

Attended S. school & heard two good sermons to day; also read some.

Monday, Oct. 5

I finished paying off the cadets for military services, while in Charleston. I began it on Saturday, and would have finished if I had the “Muster-Roll.” It was rather a troublesome matter and hence I am relieved that it is over. Had Rev. I. Nicholes to take the night with me.

Tuesday, Oct. 6.

I learned yesterday, that the government agents here seized several horses, belonging to private individuals, and some have been seized to day I believe. This is well if the pleasure horses

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only are seized. I fear however that there will be injustice done to some parties. Man is imperfect, agents of the government as well as others, and it may be that many pleasure horses will be passed over, while others will be pressed into service.

Wednesday, Oct. 7.

Have made arrangements to get wood, at a much cheaper rate than 25 dollars a load, & Providence permitting, I expect to go down to Barnwell to-morrow to see if I can arrange to get some other necessaries at a more reasonable rate than I can here. - In the absence of Bro. Breaker this evening I had to conduct the exercises of the prayer meeting. I read the 14th Chap. Romans, made a few remarks & but few, believing that the time would be more profitably spent in singing and in prayer. To me

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the meeting was a pleasant one and I hope it was so to others.

Thursday, Oct. 8.

Left Columbia this morning - arrived at Midway in due time - saw some friends and relatives - learned of some hogs for sale; also of heard of a cow that might be bought. - Called to see Capt S- this evening and purchased a cow of him for $187.50. Now when I pay for driving her to Columbia, I will have paid her full value. - On my arrival at home I met a former pupil of mine, who has been wounded in battle, also his sister and two of my cousins all of whom are grown now. How soon we grow up and begin to get old!

Friday, Oct. 9.

Went to Mr. B’s sale and purchased eight head of hogs at $32.00 per head, and they small, weighing I suppose on

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an average, about 100 lbs gross, and yet it is thought I obtained a good bargain. After buying them, I paid five dollars to have them hauled home. Returned home late, and enjoyed the company of the family until a late hour for retiring.

Saturday, Oct. 10.

Intended to carry one of my hogs to Columbia per Express, but it got away from the boys that were about putting in the box, and it then had to be caught with the dogs, after which I determined not to take it, thinking that it had been injured. - The day was not pleasantly spent, the cars were dusty and crowded. A number of Jews were on board going to Wilmington with a view, I suppose, of leaving the Confederacy. I may be incorrect but that thought occurred to me. Gen. Pillow & one of his aids were on board the latter of whom is a [may] of prepossessing appearance. The General

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is getting quite gray, but appears to be vigorous and healthy. - Hoping to spend a quiet night, and be prepared to enjoy divine services to-morrow, I now retire.

Sunday, Oct. 11.

At the close of the exercises of the S. school a meeting of the members of the church was held for the reception of candidates for baptism, when Lt. S. & his wife came forward, and were unanimously received.

Monday, Oct. 12.

Closely engaged during the day - wrote several letters on business. Want this evening to say good-bye to Mrs. M- the lady with whom I used to board. She is going on a visit to her brother in Ala.

Tuesday, Oct. 13.

Have been busy all day, but have accomplished but little that is of any consequence.

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Wednesday, Oct. 14.

There was rain to day, this evening is damp and consequently few were out at prayer-meeting.

Thursday, Oct. 15.

My class was turned back to day to commence reviewing, having gone through the subject of Logarithms. Heretofore we have gone further, but in consequence of the interruptions we have had we are unable for want of time to proceed further at present.

Friday, Oct. 16.

Nothing unusual to day. I called this evening to see Bro. T. I. T. and enjoyed my call very much. He is a sociable kind hearted man.

Saturday, Oct. 17.

Have done a great deal of walking to day, most of which was to see parties desiring to rent pews in

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the Baptist church. I succeeded in renting two, after a good deal of inconvenience to myself as well as loss of time. This was caused by a party that has always been difficult to please. I hope now they will be contented. - Our little girl is sick this evening. I have just given her a dose of medicine by direction of the Dr. and hope she will be well in the morning.

Sunday, Oct. 18.

Have spent a pleasant day pleasantly. The exercises of the S. school and the sanctuary were very agreeable. Our little girl is better and I feel that I have great cause of gratitude to God.

Monday, Oct. 19. Have had a great deal of walking about to do, and hence but little time

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for reading which I regret.

Tuesday, Oct. 20.

As yesterday I have been busy but have read but little. It seems that there is always something in the way of my improvement.

Wednesday, Oct. 21.

Was cheered by receiving a cheerful letter from father.- Attended prayer meeting - made some remarks on a few words that impressed me in one of the hymns that was sung. which impressed At the close of the meeting one of the a young lady came forward to unite with the church and was received.

Thursday, Oct. 22.

My duties have been performed, I feel weary and will now seek repose.

Friday Oct 23

Received with other things, from home to day two pigs with which I am well

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pleased. I think, that with very little expense, I can feed them and make fine hogs of them. At present prices, they are worth a hundred dollars. - The oranges sent us came from John’s Island. Bro. sent them to us, thinking, and correctly too that they would be quite a treat to our little girl and to Lou.

We are having rain this evening. I paid a visit to my friend Mr. B. who has recently gone to housekeeping, found him on the point of coming to see me. I enjoyed my visit and am of the opinion that there is too little social, real social intercourse in this city. More such visits as I paid this evening would be beneficial to me and perhaps to others.

Saturday, Oct. 24. Have just returned from a visit

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to a house of mourning. One of the little boys (13 or 14 years old) that attended our S.- school died to day after a short illness, and I felt it my duty to call on his parents. I knew nothing of his illness until after it was his death was announced to me. I had missed him from the S. school for one or two Sundays, but understood that he was not sick much and hence was not prepared to hear of his death. It was but two or three weeks ago that he made a present to the S. school of a number of tickets, thus showing his interest in it, in addition to his long regular and punctual attendance. He was a good boy. His mother is a pious member of our church and I trust his death will be sanctified to the conversion of his generous father. - Had a long

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argument with our pastor to day on the subject of preaching strong doctrinal sermons to congregations composed of members of various denominations. We both agree that the truth and nothing but the truth should be preached, but we differ in our mode of presenting it.

Sunday, Oct. 25.

In addition to my usual attendance of the S. school and sanctuary, I attended the funeral service of the S. school scholar I spoke of yesterday. There were a great many persons out, & among them was a fair representation from the S. school who went to pay the last respects to one who was faithful, punctual and regular in his attendance, and who was orderly and well disposed at all times. I trust he has gone to rest!

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Monday, Oct. 26th 1863.

To day is fair but more like winter than we have yet had. We have not had fire to sit by but one or two days before this during the present season.

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1863.

Have just answered a letter from Bro. Charles, that I received this evening. I have also written one to Gen. Beauregard asking for a short furlough for brother. He has not been away from camp in near ten months, and I have not seen him since the 17th of last June was a year.

Wednesday, Oct. 28.

On arriving from prayer meeting this evening, I found Bro-in-law J. R. P. G - & his comrade in arms Sergeant B. who are on their way home on furlough. They are looking well and are in fine spirits. They have come to get horses.

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Thursday, Oct. 29.

Have spent the day, except that part, employed in the discharge of my duties, mostly in social intercourse. It has been pleasant to converse with those who have been absent so long.

Friday, Oct. 30.

Have been actively engaged to day, perhaps not more so than usual yet I feel more fatigued.

Saturday, Oct. 31.

Have walked about a great deal to day, partly on duty for the church and partly for myself, nearly all of which was discharged satisfactorily to myself.

This evening, I learn with regret that my young friend, Capt. Sweat is dead. At the battle of Chickamauga he was severely wounded in the

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arm, not mortal it was thought at the time. But he is gone! and I trust to a brighter and happier world. He was a member of the Baptist church - was baptized by his father last winter while on furlough. He was endowed with an intellect of a high order, and had enjoyed a liberal education, and was altogether a young man of rare promise. But alas! for human hopes, he has fallen on the verge of manhood. His parents, now living in La. are doubtless ignorant of his fate, but hear it they will, and when they do the blow will fall heavily upon them. May the Giver of all grace prepare them to receive the shock and sustain them is my prayer!

Sunday, Nov. 1.

At 9 ½ A. M. attended the funeral of Thos. M - who died in service. He

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was once a member of the S. school. Thus, one by one, our young men pass away. - Did not go out to church this evening. It seemed that my family were afraid to stay by themselves, long enough for me to attend services & I therefore remained at home.

Monday, Nov. 2.

Attended the sale of some horses to day, but did not make a purchase. Most of them went higher than I wish to give for a horse. Some were too old and others did not suit me. Upon the whole, I think I shall risk a purchase in the country.

Tuesday, Nov. 3.

A letter from my brother tells me that it is rumored that his company is to be ordered to the west. He seems to be in good spirits - thinks of coming to see me soon if he can. I should

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like much to see him as I have not enjoyed that pleasure in nearly a year and a half. Alas! how many and long are the separations which this war has caused.

Wednesday, Nov. 4.

Hoped to get a letter from home to day but was disappointed. In the absence of the pastor, I had to conduct the exercises of the prayer meeting again this evening. I read the ninety-first Psalm and made a few remarks on the privileges of the Christian.

Thursday, Nov. 5.

Disappointed again to day in not receiving a letter from home. I am afraid that things are not going on as I would like, but I will hope for the best. We are having very mild weather for the season.

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Friday, Nov. 6th

A letter from home tells me that the man whom I employed to drive my cows has disappointed me in consequence of which they will not get here until next week. This annoys me, because I am needing them and fully expected them to be here by this time. There are few men that will fulfill their promises punctually and faithfully, at least such is my experience.

Saturday, Nov. 7.

Received from home, per Express, a practical demonstration of the affection of my parents for me and mine. Time and again these evidences are given me, and thus I am admonished of my duty to them. We owe our parents a debt of gratitude that can only be paid

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by a life spent in such a way as to honor them.

Sunday, Nov. 8

Have attended service as I usually do on Sunday - found it very pleasant.

Monday, Nov. 9.

On yesterday evening I received a letter from Father-in-law, saying that he had succeeded in purchasing two horses for me; & to day I have been looking round to see if a wagon and harness can be bought. Like everything else I find that they are very high, and thus far have not succeeded in getting an outfit. - I have written to Father to secure corn for me, it is to be bought in his section of country. I desire to make all the necessary arrangements for going to work without delay.

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Tuesday, Nov. 10.

The weather is quite cold and has been for two or three days past. The poor must certainly suffer unless something is done to enable them to get wood at a reasonable price. It has been suggested to hold a public meeting to take this matter into consideration, but whether it will be done remains to be seen.

Wednesday, Nov. 11

My horses arrived this evening, but it was so dark when I saw them that I could not see well enough to form an opinion an opinion of them. I have made strenuous efforts to secure a wagon & harness, but have not yet succeeded. I saw one that would do, and the owner said it was for sale, but he would not say


Patrick, John B., 1832-1900, “Journal of John B. Patrick, August 12, 1863-November 11, 1863,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed April 26, 2024,