Letter from H. E. MicBryde to Colonel Oliver J. Bond, December 20, 1918.


Letter from H. E. MicBryde to Colonel Oliver J. Bond, December 20, 1918.


Letter from H. E. MicBryde to Colonel Oliver J. Bond, dated December 20, 1918. MicBryde is attempting to convince Bond to accept a young man in her care into the Corps of Cadets.





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Oliver J. Bond Collection








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Fayetteville, N.C.

Dec. 20th 1918

Col. O. J. Bond,

Supr. Citadel

Charleston, S.C. 

Dear Col. Bond,

Once upon a time you took me of my boys just 16 yrs. of age. Since I, as a widow, had not been able to manage. After about a year and a half, you advised me to take [Bennett Hardis] in from The Citadel and put him to work. Included in your kind advice and he had made good good for his year. When he went into the war owing to your  training and his natural ability, Rummelt was made Capt. of Battery D. 113th F.A. so he left his wife and infant daughter to do his duty as he saw it he took the Course at Fort Sill, went to France with 30th Div. and has made good in every way His people are 

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proud of him another son just older than [Bennett] has [illegible words] of Annapolis two years ago and is Lieut. In Texas. has been  in North Sea a year, helped take over the German Fleet, receive the President and will be home in one week. I think One just younger than [Bennett] (just 21 yrs old) was turned down at Oglethorpe in account of eyes (very near sighted) had came home, brought from his of glasses, got War Dept to waive eye-sight, left his wife went in a Privates J. Camp at Macon, made good and went to  France as 2nd Lieut (all he could get at his Camp) in machine Gun Batt There my youngest a fine but untrained boy who had quit [Dualdren] Military School and gone to work went to Raleigh and joined Naval Reserve. 

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And is now on U.S.S Reina Mercedes at Annapolis, Md. Hugh Bennett Hardis is just 18 yrs. of age, [illegible] are bright and lovable sharp minded and moody at times. He quit school and worked in lumber Co. Office for five or six months. always did good work but gave it up when tried every one  when he worked for [illegible]

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gladly [illegible] helps him. He has had some promotion in Navy and they will write to help him, but Hugh knows he needs a better education and his people are so anxious for him to get it. I even fear he isn't sufficiently advanced for The Citadel, has completed Algebra; but hasn’t taken any Geometry.

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He is apt. At math: and has spoken of Engineering Course. [Duraldren] Military School went down rapidly during his last year there, hence the boys lack in trust. I think if you could try him out from Jan. to June it would be a great help to him and comfort to  me I am sure you will pardon all of this for the sake of a Fatherless boy. Hugh has not been expelled from school nor does he drink that I ever heard of. [Duraldren] M. S. has changed hands, no one here to sign appreciation, so I

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Shall ask you to take my word for all this. I could get some student of Old School to express my Statements or some [illegible] Officer. I think he can do the last half of Freshman year work. Please let me hear from you at once. It will be hard for me to keep him in so expensive a school,

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but I have the feeling that he will be interested and do the work Fairly well if he will only quit Navy.

Yours very Truly

(Miss) H.E. MicBryde

636 Haymount,




I am not well so can’t write a good letter-


MicBryde, H. E., “Letter from H. E. MicBryde to Colonel Oliver J. Bond, December 20, 1918.,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed January 18, 2025, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/2080.