Letter from Harry L. Cunningham to Oliver J. Bond, June 8, 1919


Letter from Harry L. Cunningham to Oliver J. Bond, June 8, 1919


This is a letter written by Harry L. Cunningham to Colonel Oliver J. Bond, dated June 8, 1919. In this letter Cunningham includes information on both his military service and his civilian career following World War I.




The Citadel Archives & Museum



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Oliver J. Bond Collection








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Greer S.C.

June 8, 1919

Col. O.J. Bond

The Citadel

Charleston S.C.

Dear Colonel:-

I thank you very much for the recommendation you have given me.

It is true I wrote Major Moore concerning a position in some military school and he recommended for a position.

At present however

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I have a place with my cousin in the contracting business and I do not think I could well afford to leave him now.

I am writing to Mr. Odom explaining the situation.

You have ask [sic] for my war record. Well, sir, it isn’t very much I am sorry to say. In fact I haven’t any. After completing my training at Paris Island I was made a “Drill

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Instructor” with a corporal’s warrant. I served in this capacity the entire time I was in the Marine Corps and was never transferred from Paris Island. The only honor I won I think was that I was made 1st sergeant after about six months of hard work on the field. I was discharged on April 2, 1919, having been in the service thirteen months.

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I want to thank you again for your kind assistance. Give my best regards to Major Moore and all the faculty.

I wish the very best for old Citadel when you get into your new place.


Harry L. Cunningham


Cunningham, Harry L., “Letter from Harry L. Cunningham to Oliver J. Bond, June 8, 1919,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed January 18, 2025, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/2075.