Letter from Asbury Coward to Oliver J. Bond, January 10, 1919


Letter from Asbury Coward to Oliver J. Bond, January 10, 1919


Letter written by Asbury Coward to Colonel Oliver J. Bond, dated January 10, 1919. Coward explains his military service during World War I in this letter to Bond.




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Oliver J. Bond Collection








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Recd Jan 10, 1919 (Written in top left hand corner)

Orangeburg, S.C

Col. O.J. Bond

The Citadel Charleston S.C. 

Dear Bond

Last Citadel Bulletin received as it requests corrections , I note the only ones I have [illegible] only the following to write.

Dr. F.A. Coward was made Capt, Aug. 20th 1918, in Med. Corps U.S.A: and has been in France since June Past, and should have the  (*) before his name. He had passed the Army Examination Board some time before but did go to Washington to get his Commission ^until last March, as 1of Lieut Med . C.U.SA in consequence of the important duties as Director and Chief [Illegible] in the State Laboratory in Columbia SC was ordered to 

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to Rockefeller Ins. N.Y. for a few weeks then to John Hopkins a few weeks more then in June to France. I presume his Com. as Capt. was made when he was as-signed to R,C. Milt. Hospital W 5 near Paris, France.
A. H. Marchant “got over” as Capt of Inf. last autumn in time to enter several of the battles that broke the back of the German Army. He is entitled also to (*) 

Very truly yours

Asbury Coward


Coward, Asbury, 1835-1925, “Letter from Asbury Coward to Oliver J. Bond, January 10, 1919,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed February 15, 2025, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/2073.