Letter from Nelle Bolt Richey to Oliver J. Bond, December 15, 1918
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Laurens, S.C.
Dec. 15th 1918
My dear Col. Bond:-
The last news I had from my husband (Capt. Richey / was a letter written Nov. 20th in which he said he was feeling quite well and thinks he has recovered. He was gassed and while he thought at the time, not very
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seriously, he has been back with His Reg. only a few weeks and is not able even yet to do very much work. He says he is alright, however, I will not be satisfied about him until he gets home and I see for myself.
He said in his letter he hoped to sail for home by first of Jan. but had his information as to exact date. It is possible, he will land in Charleston, if His plans are carried out, to bring the men at war their homes, to demobilize as can be managed, for the 371st Inf. is made up almost entirely of South Carolina men. If I hear any thing from him to this effect, I will certainly let you know.
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I appreciate your letter asking after him. I am very proud of the record he has made in France and feel sure his early training at the The Citadel, had quite a good deal to do with his military success.
With best wishes
Nelle Bolt Richey