Letter from Ellison Capers to his wife Lottie, September 16, 1864


Letter from Ellison Capers to his wife Lottie, September 16, 1864


Capers asks about his daughter May's health and then describes another service he went to led by Bishop Lay. His subject was the disciples on the tempestuous sea and Jesus coming to their aid. He ends the letter by telling Lottie that she no longer needs to send him shirts since he received shirts and drawers from the government.


A1961.1, Box 3, Folder 32


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Ellison Capers Collection









Date Valid


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Jonesboro - September 16th 1864

My precious Lottie

I sent you a telegram on yesterday to know how our little May was. I am very anxious about her. But I feel the blessed assurance, that He, who doeth all things well, will do His Divine will in mercy and love, & give us grace to receive it.

I heard Bishop Lay again on yesterday. His subject was the disciples of the tempestuous sea, & Jesus coming to their aid. The idea of the discourse was this: Jesus caused the disciples to go over to the other side of the sea, & after they had gone He raised a storm, the fury of which, He calmed, saying to his terrified disciples: “Be not afraid -- it is I”. God has launched us out upon the sea of Revolation, & He is able to calm the raging tempest. Like His disciples we are sent over to the “other side,” & must have faith, for God sees us “toiling in rowing” against these “contrary winds” & though it may be not until the “fourth watch of the night,” He will come to us, if we do our duty as Christians, walking on the sea of our troubles, & commanding, Peace be still! Isn’t that pretty, darling?  

The Bishop declared that there were three cases in either of which a Christian was

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justifiable in taking up arms: in self defense, to protect the helpless, & to defend our homes.  

These three causes all justified us. The whole service was pleasant.  

Many of our officers are sending for their wives. Bowie expects Mrs. B. next week.  

Never mind about the shirts I wrote for. I got two shirts & two pr. drawers on yesterday from the government. I send this my one of my Lieutenants, who goes to Columbia this evening. I also send my coat & vest, which I do not need.  The drawers I send never did fit me. My new drawers fit comfortably. I am quite well now, my darling.  I long to see you.  

My heart is constantly with you, my own dear Lottie.

May the angels keep & guard you & our children.

Yours devotedly

P.S. My Lt. is not going until October so I will not send the bundle, or this letter by him.


Capers, Ellison, 1837-1908, “Letter from Ellison Capers to his wife Lottie, September 16, 1864,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed April 28, 2024, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/505.