Minutes of the Board of Visitors of The Citadel, 1843
Minutes of the Board of Visitors of The Citadel, 1843
Official minutes of the governing body of The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina.
The Citadel Archives & Museum
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The Citadel Board of Visitor Meeting Minutes
Charleston (S.C.)
Date Valid
15 pages ; 32 cm
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Citadel, Charleston
Thursday 23rd Feb 1843
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board convened this day at the Citadel at 10 O’clock AM
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
Read various applications for offices in the Citadel Academy with accompanying testimonials of qualification, and at 4 ½ PM adjourned to meet on tomorrow at 9 O’ clock AM.
Friday 24th February 1843
The Board met at 9 O’clock A.M.
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
Finished the reading of all the applications for offices, and appointments in the Citadel Academy, with the accompanying testimonials: whereupon on motion it was
Resolved, That the Board forthwith proceeded to elect by
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by ballot the officers of the Citadel Academy.
The Board then proceeded to Elect the officers, which resulted in the choice of
W. F. Graham Superintendent
Francis W. Capers First Professor
J. E. B. Finley Second Professor
Doctor H. Boylston Surgeon
J. Ladson Gregorie Bursar
William Yeadon Arsenal Keeper
The following resolutions were adopted viz
That the first Professor in the Citadel Academy at Charleston have the rank and title of First Lieutenant, and the Second Professor the rank and title of Second Lieutenant.
That in addition to the duties non required of the Arsenal Keeper of the Citadel Academy in Charleston, he be appointed Powder Receiver at the Magazine.
Resolved, That the following named persons be admitted into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia as Beneficiary Cadets, viz
James McCan
R. D. Bevill
Daniel McKagen
McBelton O’Nealle
C. G. Billings
Joseph Howell
Ralph Burnet
Luther Williams
and that they report themselves to the Superintendent on or before the twentieth of March next.
Resolved, That the following named persons be admitted as Beneficiary Cadets into the Citadel Academy at Charleston, viz
William Staley
Samuel Dixon
Theodore Plane
C. Stopplebein
Washington Cross
John H. Swift
Robert Simons
Chas. O. Lamotte
Judah Alexander
Chas. C. Tew
Wilbrandt Schmidt
Wm. W. Wilbur
Wm. L. Lockwood
Robt. D. Landreth
Jos. P. Reeves
Alex. P. Brock
Jn. Campbell
Thos. F. Salinas
Robt. J. Lester
Henry Caskin
and that they report themselves to the Superintendent, on or before the twentieth day of March next.
[Page 3]
Resolved, That the following named persons be admitted as Pay Cadets, into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia, viz
Zacariah Cantey
Thomas H. Ligon
Thos. J. Summer
G. W. Lamar
Jas. W. D’Lyon
Bennet Crafton
and that they report themselves to the Superintendent on or before the twentieth of March next.
Resolved, That Luther Williams, a Beneficiary Cadet be admitted into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia for the term of three years, instead of four.
Resolved, That the 15th Rule be so altered as to require the payment of the sum of two hundred dollars from Pay Cadets, to wit, the sum of fifty dollars quarterly in advance, in lieu of the sum therein required to be paid.
The Board then adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 O’clock AM.
Saturday 25th February 1843
The Board convened this morning at 9 O’clock A. M.
James Jones
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
The following resolutions were adopted, viz,
Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Citadel Academy be instructed to enquire whether the applicant, Charles J. Granger, desires to be admitted as a Beneficiary or Pay Cadet, and if he find that he wishes to be admitted as a Beneficiary, that he further enquire whether his means, or that of his parents are sufficient to give him an education, and if they are not, that he be admitted as a Beneficiary. If he desire to be admitted as a Pay Cadet, that the Superintendent shall have power to admit him upon his complying with the regulations prescribed for such Cadets.
Resolved, That M. C. Shaffer Bursar and Powder Receiver at the Arsenal Academy, be granted leave of absence, from that post, for a term not exceeding six weeks at any time during the ensuing Spring.
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Resolved, That Cadet Weathersby be dismissed from the Arsenal Academy at Columbia.
Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy at Columbia and the Citadel Academy at Charleston be required to prescribe a suitable uniform for both officers and cadets of the above named Academies, and confer with each member of the Board of Visitors by letter upon the subject: and upon receiving the approbation of a majority of the Board, the uniform so prescribed, shall be adopted.
Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board, be authorized to admit into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia, nine Pay Cadets: and into the Citadel Academy at Charleston, sixteen Beneficiary, and Thirty nine Pay Cadets: requiring in all cases the testimonials required by the regulations, and giving a preference to the Districts entitled.
Resolved, That Lieutenant J. Matthews be appointed Clerk to this Board, and that he be paid one hundred dollars per annum for that service – the salary to commence from the Eleventh day of January last.
The Board then adjourned sine die.
Executive Office, Columbia
Tuesday 2nd May 1843
The Board met this day at the Executive office at 5 O’clock P.M.
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
J. W. Cantey
Various applications for appointments as Beneficiary Cadets in the Citadel Academy, Charleston, were read, and at 8 O’clock PM adjourned to meet on tomorrow at 8 ½ O’ clock AM.
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Wednesday 3rd May 1843
The Board met at ½ past 8 O’ clock AM.
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
J. W. Cantey
The following resolutions were adopted, viz,
Resolved, that the following named persons be admitted as Beneficiary Cadets in the Citadel Academy, Charleston, viz
Jos. H. Buckner
Rich. Hay
John Bowen
Edwd. Kingsmore
W. R. McDonald
John Branch
W. J. Magill
J. W. North
and that they report themselves to the Superintendent on or before the 1st June next.
Resolved, that Henry Slappey of Georgia, be admitted into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia, as a Pay student, for so long a period only as there may be an insufficient number of pay applications from this state (S.C.).
Resolved, that Cadet Brock (having been suspended by the Superintendent of the Citadel Academy for desertion) be dismissed permanently from said Academy.
Resolved, that the Chairman address a letter to Captain Graham, Superintendent of the Citadel Academy: and to Col Yeadon, Arsenal Keeper, defining the duties of Arsenal Keeper & Powder Receiver.
The board then adjourned sine die.
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Vaucluse 15 May 1843
“Dear Sir
“In accordance with the Instructions of the Board of Visitors, at their last meeting, I herewith communicate their decision, defining the duties of the Arsenal Keeper & Powder Receiver, viz:
The Arsenal Keeper and Powder Receiver is the officer of the Board of Visitors; not subject to the special orders of the Commander of the Citadel & Magazine Guard; and accountable alone to the Board, and the Execution of the State, for all arms, accoutrements, ordnance, munitions, and stores confided to his charge; and in receiving and disbursing the same, while alone obey the orders of the Board of Visitors; the Executive; and (in times of alarm, invasion, or insurrection) the temporary orders of the Mayor of the City of Charleston; or any General officer of the second Division: while exercise exclusive control over any rooms, or buildings, which may be set apart by the Board of Visitors for ordnance, arsenal, or armory purposes; and over all Magazines proper, other than the small Magazine in the Citadel Buildings, which latter, shall be under the Charge of Command of the Commander of the Citadel and Magazine Guard, who will also have charge of the laboratory and quarters at the Magazines.
The Arsenal Keeper and Powder Receiver will be subject to, and obey all general police regulations, which may be from time to time, established by the Commander of the Guard; & of which he may be duly notified.
The Commander of the Citadel & Magazine Guard, upon the requisition of the Arsenal Keeper & Powder Receiver will furnish a detail sufficient to afford him all necessary assistance in the performance of this duty. And they are both strictly enjoined, mutually to extend every courtesy and facility, in the discharge of their respective and appropriate duty.”
Very respectfully
Yr Ob Serv
(Signed) James Jones
Chairman BV
Copies addressed to each
Capt. W. F. Graham
Col. Wm. Yeadon
[Page 7]
Citadel, Charleston
Monday 20 November 1843
Pursuant to 31st regulation, the Board convened this day at the Citadel Academy.
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
The annual examination of the Cadets (composing the 4th class) commenced.
The Board adjourned to meet tomorrow.
Tuesday 21 Nov. 1843
The Superintendent having submitted to the Board his annual report & merit roll
It was resolved
That Cadets Stopplebein & Plane, shall not be permitted to advance to 3rd class but that they be retained for the ensuing year in the 4th class.
Resolved that Cadets Simons, Bowen, North, and Cross be discharged from the Citadel Academy at Charleston.
The Board adjourned to meet at the Arsenal Academy on Tuesday 28th November inst. at 9 O’clock AM.
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Arsenal Academy Columbia
Tuesday Nov 28 1843
In pursuance of 31st Regulation, the Board convened this day at the Arsenal Academy at 9 O’clock AM
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
The annual examination of the Cadets (composing 4th class) commenced, & was continued daily by adjournment until Saturday 2nd December when the Annual Meeting of the Board of Visitors was held at the Arsenal Academy Columbia
2 Dec 1843
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
The Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy having submitted to the Board his annual report & merit roll
It was resolved
That Cadets O Neal, Hayne & Shriver (having been reported as deficient by the Superintendent) be allowed to remain another year, upon a promise from them of future reformation in the several deficiencies: but in case such reformations be not made, they be dismissed from the Academy at the end of the year, or sooner: if the Superintendent and assistant find that no exertions are made on their parts, to make up said deficiencies.
Read various applications for appointments as Pay & Beneficiary Cadets in the Arsenal & Citadel Academies, with their accompanying testimonials.
Then It was Resolved,
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That the following named persons be admitted as Pay Cadets into the Arsenal Academy, Columbia, viz
Angus P. Brown
Charles Dewitt
Lau. J. Brown
J. H. Schmidt
and that they report themselves to the Superintendent on 1st January next.
Resolved that R. G. White be admitted as Pay Cadet into the Citadel Academy, Charleston, & that he report himself to the Superintendent on 1st January next.
Resolved that John P. Hammett of Spartanburg Dist. A. J. Jamison of Laurens
Eli Doyle of Pickens
be admitted as Beneficiary Cadets into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia & that they report themselves to the Superintendent on 1st January next.
Resolved that Tristram Croker of Edgefield Dist.
John Connelly of Beaufort Dist.
B. H. Barfield of Beaufort Dist.
C. P. Campbell of Colleton Dist.
James H. Willis of Barnwell Dist.
Johnson M. Strickland of Kershaw Dist.
Ja. McNamee of Charleston Dist.
Henry J. Nabb of Charleston Dist.
Wm. M. Mood of Charleston Dist.
- - Chaptin of Charleston Dist.
E. LaR. Heriott of Charleston Dist.
Wm. Jenkins of Charleston Dist.
be admitted as Beneficiary Cadets into the Citadel Academy at Charleston, and that they report themselves to the Superintendent on 1st January next.
Resolved that the Chairman be authorized to admit one Beneficiary Cadet from the District of Fairfield: one from the District of Williamsburg, and one from the District of Chesterfield – provided applications from said District be made before
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the first of January next: and that in case applications are not made within said time, then that he be authorized to fill the vacancies from the applications now before the Board not acted on.
Resolved, that the voluntary Resignation of John McLeod a Beneficiary Cadet, at the Arsenal Academy, be accepted; & that the Superintendent do give him an honorable discharge.
Resolved, that the Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy, be authorized to grant leave of absence to Cadet D’Lyon until 1st January next.
Resolved, that the annual examination of the Cadets at the Arsenal & Citadel academies, has been very satisfactory to the Board, and is highly creditable to the zeal, diligence & ability of the Superintendents, & Professors.
Resolved, that as the funds appropriated for the support of the Citadel and Arsenal Academies, is under the Control of the Governor, he should be appointed (Ex officio) a member of the Board – That the Chairman of the Board be instructed to submit a copy of this resolution to the Governor, to be laid before the Legislature.
Resolved, that the Arsenal Keepers of the Citadel and Arsenal Academies, be instructed to have the arms at the Citadel, and Arsenal, put in good order, and boxed up.
Resolved, that the Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy be authorized to draw the Balance of the appropriation, for Arsenal Keeper & Powder Receiver at the Arsenal in Columbia, for the present year. That he be instructed to have the arms, at the said Arsenal, cleaned & boxed up; and that hereafter, he shall receive the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars per annum, as fixed on by the Board, for his service as Arsenal Keeper & Powder Receiver, as well as for the other duties imposed upon him.
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Resolved, That in the opinion of the Board, the services for which Private Rice (Charleston) claims extra pay, are such services, as are due from him as a private of the Guard; & that therefore he is not entitled to any extra pay: and that as to any extra pay for turning private powder, it is a matter exclusively between the Powder Receiver at Charleston, & Private Rice, with which the Board have nothing to do.
The Board then adjourned sine die.
December 1843
Report of the Board of Visitors of the Military Academies
To His Excellency Governor Hammond,
The Board of Visitors of the Citadel Academy at Charleston, and the Arsenal Academy at Columbia, have the honor to submit to your Excellency their first Annual Report.
As soon as practicable, after the adjournment of the last Legislature, the Board, in pursuance of the powers entrusted to them, proceeded to organize the said schools: and by the 20th March last, both were in operation. In selecting the officers for the institutions, the Board of Visitors believe themselves fortunate after the experiment (now) of almost a year, in obtaining the services of Gentlemen, who by their diligence, zeal, and acquirements have [illegible] themselves so worthy to file the arduous and responsible station to which they have been appointed.
In choosing from different parts of the state the objects of Bounty of the Legislature, the Board were anxious to avow every appearance of favoritism, or the preference of the Youths from one part of the state to those of another: and they apportioned the number to be selected from each District
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according to the ratio of its population and taxation; and therefore they allotted to
Abbeville District 2
Anderson District 2
Barnwell District 2
Beaufort District 3
Charleston District 10
Chester District 1
Chesterfield District 1
Colleton District 2
Darlington District 1
Edgefield District 2
Fairfield District 2
Greenville District 2
Georgetown District 2
Horry District 1
Kershaw District 1
Lancaster District 1
Laurens District 2
Lexington District 1
Marlborough District 1
Marion District 1
Newberry District 1
Orangeburg District 1
Pickens District 1
Richland District 1
Spartanburg District 2
Sumter District 2
Union District 2
Williamsburg District 1
York District 2
making in all fifty four: thirty six of whom were to be placed in the Citadel Academy at Charleston, and eighteen at the Arsenal Academy at Columbia.
The Board made provision at the same time, for the admission of an equal number of Pay Cadets: thirty nine of whom were to be admitted into the Citadel Academy, and fifteen into the Arsenal Academy. Of this latter class of Cadets, but a small number have taken advantage of the new system of instruction, arising probably from the ignorance of parents & guardians of the course of instruction there taught, and the novelty of those institutions.
Of the class of beneficiaries, twenty seven were admitted at different times into the Citadel Academy, and twenty into the Arsenal Academy; nineteen of whom stood their annual examination in the Citadel Academy in November last, and sixteen in the Arsenal Academy. These numbers do not include two Pay Cadets in the first named Academy, and one in the last.
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The Board regret that they have been compelled, during the past year, to restrict the advantages of the Citadel Academy in Charleston to a much smaller number than was originally designed. This arose from the fact, that they were compelled to carry on that institution with $12.000 instead of the sum of $16.000 appropriated to that purpose by the Legislature, in consequence of the withdrawal from their control of (about) the sum of $4.000, which was claimed by Capt. Parker, the late Commander of that post, under a charge (as the Board have been informed) of 2 ½ percent, for disbursing the fund appropriated for the support of the Citadel & Magazine Guard at Charleston for the last ten years. The Board are unwilling to indicate their opinion, as to the propriety of this claim: but they regard it as of sufficient importance to require the serious investigation of the Legislature.
In arranging the course of studies for these Academies, the Board have aimed at a system of education at once scientific and practical, and which, if their original design is carried out, will eminently qualify the Cadets there taught for almost any station or condition of life. During the course, besides the visual branches taught at the primary schools in the state, they will be instructed in the history of South Carolina, modern history, the French language, every department of the mathematics, bookkeeping, rhetoric, moral philosophy, architectural and topographical drawing, natural philosophy, chemistry, ecology, mineralogy, botany, civil & military engineering, the Constitutional Law of the United States, & the Laws of Nations. In addition to that course, they will be instructed in the duties of the soldier, the school of the company, and of the battalion, the science of war, the evolution of the line, and the duties of commissioned officers.
Of the above mentioned course, only the most elementary part, comprising those of geography, arithmetic,
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English grammar, history of South Carolina, and the duties of the soldier, have been taught. No Cadet who applied during the past year, (and the remark applies as well to the Pay, as to the Beneficiary Cadets) was found sufficiently advanced to be placed in any, beyond the fourth, or lowest class: and indeed, in very many instances, their previous course of instruction had been so imperfect or faulty, that the professors found themselves compelled to instruct them in spelling, reading and writing, before they could proceed to the course of studies laid down by the Board.
At the examinations, which have lately closed, in both of the Academies, the Board were highly gratified at the very great proficiency made by the Cadets. The examinations, which were continued for several days, and which were strict [illegible], showed in the most satisfactory manner to the Board (with very few exceptions) with what diligence their studies had been prosecuted by the Cadets, and the accuracy of the system, by which they had been taught.
In their military training, they exhibited a manly & soldierlike bearing, and the Board found it difficult to realize the fact, that such a change had taken place in the appearance & conduct of boys, who less than a twelve month ago came into those institutions, careless of their persons, awkward and untaught. Besides affording sufficient protection to the arms and public property at the two posts (far greater than the old Guard which they have displaced), their military training facilitates their instruction in the other branches of study, by habits of good order and discipline, which it promotes: and is the opinion of the Board, appears to solve the difficult problem of the management of a number of young men in institutions of learning or science. By requiring them to account for every moment of their time, it prevents them
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from acquiring vicious habits, and withdraws them from the allurements of dissipation. Nor does the discipline to which they are subjected, appear to weary them: on the contrary, they seem to be satisfied and happy: and the Board believe that a dismissal from the Academies would be regarded by any of the boys as a severe punishment.
The Board assures Your Excellency, that this first year’s experiment has succeeded beyond their hope: and they confidently predict that its future success will not disappoint the expectations of the Legislature in changing the nature of these institutions.
I herewith transmit a copy of the Regulations, and also a copy of the Resolution of the Board of Visitors.
I also transmit the Report of the Arsenal Keeper and Powder Receiver at Charleston and Columbia.
Respectfully submitted
(signed) James Jones, Chairman
Columbia Dec 4 1843
“Resolved, that as the fund appropriated for the support of the Citadel and Arsenal Academies is under the control of the Governor, he should be appointed (Ex officio) a member of the Board. That the Chairman of the Board be instructed to submit a copy of the Resolution to the Governor, to be laid before the Legislature.”
Citadel, Charleston
Thursday 23rd Feb 1843
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board convened this day at the Citadel at 10 O’clock AM
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
Read various applications for offices in the Citadel Academy with accompanying testimonials of qualification, and at 4 ½ PM adjourned to meet on tomorrow at 9 O’ clock AM.
Friday 24th February 1843
The Board met at 9 O’clock A.M.
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
Finished the reading of all the applications for offices, and appointments in the Citadel Academy, with the accompanying testimonials: whereupon on motion it was
Resolved, That the Board forthwith proceeded to elect by
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by ballot the officers of the Citadel Academy.
The Board then proceeded to Elect the officers, which resulted in the choice of
W. F. Graham Superintendent
Francis W. Capers First Professor
J. E. B. Finley Second Professor
Doctor H. Boylston Surgeon
J. Ladson Gregorie Bursar
William Yeadon Arsenal Keeper
The following resolutions were adopted viz
That the first Professor in the Citadel Academy at Charleston have the rank and title of First Lieutenant, and the Second Professor the rank and title of Second Lieutenant.
That in addition to the duties non required of the Arsenal Keeper of the Citadel Academy in Charleston, he be appointed Powder Receiver at the Magazine.
Resolved, That the following named persons be admitted into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia as Beneficiary Cadets, viz
James McCan
R. D. Bevill
Daniel McKagen
McBelton O’Nealle
C. G. Billings
Joseph Howell
Ralph Burnet
Luther Williams
and that they report themselves to the Superintendent on or before the twentieth of March next.
Resolved, That the following named persons be admitted as Beneficiary Cadets into the Citadel Academy at Charleston, viz
William Staley
Samuel Dixon
Theodore Plane
C. Stopplebein
Washington Cross
John H. Swift
Robert Simons
Chas. O. Lamotte
Judah Alexander
Chas. C. Tew
Wilbrandt Schmidt
Wm. W. Wilbur
Wm. L. Lockwood
Robt. D. Landreth
Jos. P. Reeves
Alex. P. Brock
Jn. Campbell
Thos. F. Salinas
Robt. J. Lester
Henry Caskin
and that they report themselves to the Superintendent, on or before the twentieth day of March next.
[Page 3]
Resolved, That the following named persons be admitted as Pay Cadets, into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia, viz
Zacariah Cantey
Thomas H. Ligon
Thos. J. Summer
G. W. Lamar
Jas. W. D’Lyon
Bennet Crafton
and that they report themselves to the Superintendent on or before the twentieth of March next.
Resolved, That Luther Williams, a Beneficiary Cadet be admitted into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia for the term of three years, instead of four.
Resolved, That the 15th Rule be so altered as to require the payment of the sum of two hundred dollars from Pay Cadets, to wit, the sum of fifty dollars quarterly in advance, in lieu of the sum therein required to be paid.
The Board then adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 O’clock AM.
Saturday 25th February 1843
The Board convened this morning at 9 O’clock A. M.
James Jones
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
The following resolutions were adopted, viz,
Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Citadel Academy be instructed to enquire whether the applicant, Charles J. Granger, desires to be admitted as a Beneficiary or Pay Cadet, and if he find that he wishes to be admitted as a Beneficiary, that he further enquire whether his means, or that of his parents are sufficient to give him an education, and if they are not, that he be admitted as a Beneficiary. If he desire to be admitted as a Pay Cadet, that the Superintendent shall have power to admit him upon his complying with the regulations prescribed for such Cadets.
Resolved, That M. C. Shaffer Bursar and Powder Receiver at the Arsenal Academy, be granted leave of absence, from that post, for a term not exceeding six weeks at any time during the ensuing Spring.
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Resolved, That Cadet Weathersby be dismissed from the Arsenal Academy at Columbia.
Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy at Columbia and the Citadel Academy at Charleston be required to prescribe a suitable uniform for both officers and cadets of the above named Academies, and confer with each member of the Board of Visitors by letter upon the subject: and upon receiving the approbation of a majority of the Board, the uniform so prescribed, shall be adopted.
Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board, be authorized to admit into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia, nine Pay Cadets: and into the Citadel Academy at Charleston, sixteen Beneficiary, and Thirty nine Pay Cadets: requiring in all cases the testimonials required by the regulations, and giving a preference to the Districts entitled.
Resolved, That Lieutenant J. Matthews be appointed Clerk to this Board, and that he be paid one hundred dollars per annum for that service – the salary to commence from the Eleventh day of January last.
The Board then adjourned sine die.
Executive Office, Columbia
Tuesday 2nd May 1843
The Board met this day at the Executive office at 5 O’clock P.M.
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
J. W. Cantey
Various applications for appointments as Beneficiary Cadets in the Citadel Academy, Charleston, were read, and at 8 O’clock PM adjourned to meet on tomorrow at 8 ½ O’ clock AM.
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Wednesday 3rd May 1843
The Board met at ½ past 8 O’ clock AM.
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
J. W. Cantey
The following resolutions were adopted, viz,
Resolved, that the following named persons be admitted as Beneficiary Cadets in the Citadel Academy, Charleston, viz
Jos. H. Buckner
Rich. Hay
John Bowen
Edwd. Kingsmore
W. R. McDonald
John Branch
W. J. Magill
J. W. North
and that they report themselves to the Superintendent on or before the 1st June next.
Resolved, that Henry Slappey of Georgia, be admitted into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia, as a Pay student, for so long a period only as there may be an insufficient number of pay applications from this state (S.C.).
Resolved, that Cadet Brock (having been suspended by the Superintendent of the Citadel Academy for desertion) be dismissed permanently from said Academy.
Resolved, that the Chairman address a letter to Captain Graham, Superintendent of the Citadel Academy: and to Col Yeadon, Arsenal Keeper, defining the duties of Arsenal Keeper & Powder Receiver.
The board then adjourned sine die.
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Vaucluse 15 May 1843
“Dear Sir
“In accordance with the Instructions of the Board of Visitors, at their last meeting, I herewith communicate their decision, defining the duties of the Arsenal Keeper & Powder Receiver, viz:
The Arsenal Keeper and Powder Receiver is the officer of the Board of Visitors; not subject to the special orders of the Commander of the Citadel & Magazine Guard; and accountable alone to the Board, and the Execution of the State, for all arms, accoutrements, ordnance, munitions, and stores confided to his charge; and in receiving and disbursing the same, while alone obey the orders of the Board of Visitors; the Executive; and (in times of alarm, invasion, or insurrection) the temporary orders of the Mayor of the City of Charleston; or any General officer of the second Division: while exercise exclusive control over any rooms, or buildings, which may be set apart by the Board of Visitors for ordnance, arsenal, or armory purposes; and over all Magazines proper, other than the small Magazine in the Citadel Buildings, which latter, shall be under the Charge of Command of the Commander of the Citadel and Magazine Guard, who will also have charge of the laboratory and quarters at the Magazines.
The Arsenal Keeper and Powder Receiver will be subject to, and obey all general police regulations, which may be from time to time, established by the Commander of the Guard; & of which he may be duly notified.
The Commander of the Citadel & Magazine Guard, upon the requisition of the Arsenal Keeper & Powder Receiver will furnish a detail sufficient to afford him all necessary assistance in the performance of this duty. And they are both strictly enjoined, mutually to extend every courtesy and facility, in the discharge of their respective and appropriate duty.”
Very respectfully
Yr Ob Serv
(Signed) James Jones
Chairman BV
Copies addressed to each
Capt. W. F. Graham
Col. Wm. Yeadon
[Page 7]
Citadel, Charleston
Monday 20 November 1843
Pursuant to 31st regulation, the Board convened this day at the Citadel Academy.
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
The annual examination of the Cadets (composing the 4th class) commenced.
The Board adjourned to meet tomorrow.
Tuesday 21 Nov. 1843
The Superintendent having submitted to the Board his annual report & merit roll
It was resolved
That Cadets Stopplebein & Plane, shall not be permitted to advance to 3rd class but that they be retained for the ensuing year in the 4th class.
Resolved that Cadets Simons, Bowen, North, and Cross be discharged from the Citadel Academy at Charleston.
The Board adjourned to meet at the Arsenal Academy on Tuesday 28th November inst. at 9 O’clock AM.
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Arsenal Academy Columbia
Tuesday Nov 28 1843
In pursuance of 31st Regulation, the Board convened this day at the Arsenal Academy at 9 O’clock AM
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
The annual examination of the Cadets (composing 4th class) commenced, & was continued daily by adjournment until Saturday 2nd December when the Annual Meeting of the Board of Visitors was held at the Arsenal Academy Columbia
2 Dec 1843
James Jones, Chairman
D. F. Jamison
John H. Means
W. J. Hanna
J. W. Cantey
The Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy having submitted to the Board his annual report & merit roll
It was resolved
That Cadets O Neal, Hayne & Shriver (having been reported as deficient by the Superintendent) be allowed to remain another year, upon a promise from them of future reformation in the several deficiencies: but in case such reformations be not made, they be dismissed from the Academy at the end of the year, or sooner: if the Superintendent and assistant find that no exertions are made on their parts, to make up said deficiencies.
Read various applications for appointments as Pay & Beneficiary Cadets in the Arsenal & Citadel Academies, with their accompanying testimonials.
Then It was Resolved,
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That the following named persons be admitted as Pay Cadets into the Arsenal Academy, Columbia, viz
Angus P. Brown
Charles Dewitt
Lau. J. Brown
J. H. Schmidt
and that they report themselves to the Superintendent on 1st January next.
Resolved that R. G. White be admitted as Pay Cadet into the Citadel Academy, Charleston, & that he report himself to the Superintendent on 1st January next.
Resolved that John P. Hammett of Spartanburg Dist. A. J. Jamison of Laurens
Eli Doyle of Pickens
be admitted as Beneficiary Cadets into the Arsenal Academy at Columbia & that they report themselves to the Superintendent on 1st January next.
Resolved that Tristram Croker of Edgefield Dist.
John Connelly of Beaufort Dist.
B. H. Barfield of Beaufort Dist.
C. P. Campbell of Colleton Dist.
James H. Willis of Barnwell Dist.
Johnson M. Strickland of Kershaw Dist.
Ja. McNamee of Charleston Dist.
Henry J. Nabb of Charleston Dist.
Wm. M. Mood of Charleston Dist.
- - Chaptin of Charleston Dist.
E. LaR. Heriott of Charleston Dist.
Wm. Jenkins of Charleston Dist.
be admitted as Beneficiary Cadets into the Citadel Academy at Charleston, and that they report themselves to the Superintendent on 1st January next.
Resolved that the Chairman be authorized to admit one Beneficiary Cadet from the District of Fairfield: one from the District of Williamsburg, and one from the District of Chesterfield – provided applications from said District be made before
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the first of January next: and that in case applications are not made within said time, then that he be authorized to fill the vacancies from the applications now before the Board not acted on.
Resolved, that the voluntary Resignation of John McLeod a Beneficiary Cadet, at the Arsenal Academy, be accepted; & that the Superintendent do give him an honorable discharge.
Resolved, that the Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy, be authorized to grant leave of absence to Cadet D’Lyon until 1st January next.
Resolved, that the annual examination of the Cadets at the Arsenal & Citadel academies, has been very satisfactory to the Board, and is highly creditable to the zeal, diligence & ability of the Superintendents, & Professors.
Resolved, that as the funds appropriated for the support of the Citadel and Arsenal Academies, is under the Control of the Governor, he should be appointed (Ex officio) a member of the Board – That the Chairman of the Board be instructed to submit a copy of this resolution to the Governor, to be laid before the Legislature.
Resolved, that the Arsenal Keepers of the Citadel and Arsenal Academies, be instructed to have the arms at the Citadel, and Arsenal, put in good order, and boxed up.
Resolved, that the Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy be authorized to draw the Balance of the appropriation, for Arsenal Keeper & Powder Receiver at the Arsenal in Columbia, for the present year. That he be instructed to have the arms, at the said Arsenal, cleaned & boxed up; and that hereafter, he shall receive the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars per annum, as fixed on by the Board, for his service as Arsenal Keeper & Powder Receiver, as well as for the other duties imposed upon him.
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Resolved, That in the opinion of the Board, the services for which Private Rice (Charleston) claims extra pay, are such services, as are due from him as a private of the Guard; & that therefore he is not entitled to any extra pay: and that as to any extra pay for turning private powder, it is a matter exclusively between the Powder Receiver at Charleston, & Private Rice, with which the Board have nothing to do.
The Board then adjourned sine die.
December 1843
Report of the Board of Visitors of the Military Academies
To His Excellency Governor Hammond,
The Board of Visitors of the Citadel Academy at Charleston, and the Arsenal Academy at Columbia, have the honor to submit to your Excellency their first Annual Report.
As soon as practicable, after the adjournment of the last Legislature, the Board, in pursuance of the powers entrusted to them, proceeded to organize the said schools: and by the 20th March last, both were in operation. In selecting the officers for the institutions, the Board of Visitors believe themselves fortunate after the experiment (now) of almost a year, in obtaining the services of Gentlemen, who by their diligence, zeal, and acquirements have [illegible] themselves so worthy to file the arduous and responsible station to which they have been appointed.
In choosing from different parts of the state the objects of Bounty of the Legislature, the Board were anxious to avow every appearance of favoritism, or the preference of the Youths from one part of the state to those of another: and they apportioned the number to be selected from each District
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according to the ratio of its population and taxation; and therefore they allotted to
Abbeville District 2
Anderson District 2
Barnwell District 2
Beaufort District 3
Charleston District 10
Chester District 1
Chesterfield District 1
Colleton District 2
Darlington District 1
Edgefield District 2
Fairfield District 2
Greenville District 2
Georgetown District 2
Horry District 1
Kershaw District 1
Lancaster District 1
Laurens District 2
Lexington District 1
Marlborough District 1
Marion District 1
Newberry District 1
Orangeburg District 1
Pickens District 1
Richland District 1
Spartanburg District 2
Sumter District 2
Union District 2
Williamsburg District 1
York District 2
making in all fifty four: thirty six of whom were to be placed in the Citadel Academy at Charleston, and eighteen at the Arsenal Academy at Columbia.
The Board made provision at the same time, for the admission of an equal number of Pay Cadets: thirty nine of whom were to be admitted into the Citadel Academy, and fifteen into the Arsenal Academy. Of this latter class of Cadets, but a small number have taken advantage of the new system of instruction, arising probably from the ignorance of parents & guardians of the course of instruction there taught, and the novelty of those institutions.
Of the class of beneficiaries, twenty seven were admitted at different times into the Citadel Academy, and twenty into the Arsenal Academy; nineteen of whom stood their annual examination in the Citadel Academy in November last, and sixteen in the Arsenal Academy. These numbers do not include two Pay Cadets in the first named Academy, and one in the last.
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The Board regret that they have been compelled, during the past year, to restrict the advantages of the Citadel Academy in Charleston to a much smaller number than was originally designed. This arose from the fact, that they were compelled to carry on that institution with $12.000 instead of the sum of $16.000 appropriated to that purpose by the Legislature, in consequence of the withdrawal from their control of (about) the sum of $4.000, which was claimed by Capt. Parker, the late Commander of that post, under a charge (as the Board have been informed) of 2 ½ percent, for disbursing the fund appropriated for the support of the Citadel & Magazine Guard at Charleston for the last ten years. The Board are unwilling to indicate their opinion, as to the propriety of this claim: but they regard it as of sufficient importance to require the serious investigation of the Legislature.
In arranging the course of studies for these Academies, the Board have aimed at a system of education at once scientific and practical, and which, if their original design is carried out, will eminently qualify the Cadets there taught for almost any station or condition of life. During the course, besides the visual branches taught at the primary schools in the state, they will be instructed in the history of South Carolina, modern history, the French language, every department of the mathematics, bookkeeping, rhetoric, moral philosophy, architectural and topographical drawing, natural philosophy, chemistry, ecology, mineralogy, botany, civil & military engineering, the Constitutional Law of the United States, & the Laws of Nations. In addition to that course, they will be instructed in the duties of the soldier, the school of the company, and of the battalion, the science of war, the evolution of the line, and the duties of commissioned officers.
Of the above mentioned course, only the most elementary part, comprising those of geography, arithmetic,
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English grammar, history of South Carolina, and the duties of the soldier, have been taught. No Cadet who applied during the past year, (and the remark applies as well to the Pay, as to the Beneficiary Cadets) was found sufficiently advanced to be placed in any, beyond the fourth, or lowest class: and indeed, in very many instances, their previous course of instruction had been so imperfect or faulty, that the professors found themselves compelled to instruct them in spelling, reading and writing, before they could proceed to the course of studies laid down by the Board.
At the examinations, which have lately closed, in both of the Academies, the Board were highly gratified at the very great proficiency made by the Cadets. The examinations, which were continued for several days, and which were strict [illegible], showed in the most satisfactory manner to the Board (with very few exceptions) with what diligence their studies had been prosecuted by the Cadets, and the accuracy of the system, by which they had been taught.
In their military training, they exhibited a manly & soldierlike bearing, and the Board found it difficult to realize the fact, that such a change had taken place in the appearance & conduct of boys, who less than a twelve month ago came into those institutions, careless of their persons, awkward and untaught. Besides affording sufficient protection to the arms and public property at the two posts (far greater than the old Guard which they have displaced), their military training facilitates their instruction in the other branches of study, by habits of good order and discipline, which it promotes: and is the opinion of the Board, appears to solve the difficult problem of the management of a number of young men in institutions of learning or science. By requiring them to account for every moment of their time, it prevents them
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from acquiring vicious habits, and withdraws them from the allurements of dissipation. Nor does the discipline to which they are subjected, appear to weary them: on the contrary, they seem to be satisfied and happy: and the Board believe that a dismissal from the Academies would be regarded by any of the boys as a severe punishment.
The Board assures Your Excellency, that this first year’s experiment has succeeded beyond their hope: and they confidently predict that its future success will not disappoint the expectations of the Legislature in changing the nature of these institutions.
I herewith transmit a copy of the Regulations, and also a copy of the Resolution of the Board of Visitors.
I also transmit the Report of the Arsenal Keeper and Powder Receiver at Charleston and Columbia.
Respectfully submitted
(signed) James Jones, Chairman
Columbia Dec 4 1843
“Resolved, that as the fund appropriated for the support of the Citadel and Arsenal Academies is under the control of the Governor, he should be appointed (Ex officio) a member of the Board. That the Chairman of the Board be instructed to submit a copy of the Resolution to the Governor, to be laid before the Legislature.”
Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, “Minutes of the Board of Visitors of The Citadel, 1843,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed September 9, 2024, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/359.