Letter from Laura D. Harrall to Colonel Asbury Coward, April 7, 1898


Letter from Laura D. Harrall to Colonel Asbury Coward, April 7, 1898


Letter from Laura D. Harrall, mother of Cadet H. D. Harrall, to Colonel Asbury Coward concerning the Cadet Rebellion of 1898, also known as the Cantey Rebellion.


CP8, Box 5, Folder 2


The Citadel Archives & Museum



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Asbury Coward Collection









Date Valid


[Page 1]
Bennettsville S. C.
April 7. 1898 –
Col. Coward; -

My dear Sir; -
I sympathize with you most sincerely in the difficult and trying position which you have occupied for the last two weeks. Having read eagerly all the papers had to say about the affair, I regret more than I can express that such things have happened. From the first I could not think Mr. Cantey wrong in his effort at duty, but since reading the kind words in his behalf from Mr. Burgess, I feel justified

[Page 2]
in my opinion.

I hope my son has taken no part in upholding those who resented his action, and wrote him to that effect. As I have always held up to him the highest moral standard, I shall be disappointed if he lost sight of it even for a moment.

The cause of all the trouble is clearly the dance, and this will explain better than words why the influence of our house has from the first been against that amusement. That my boy has yielded to our wishes and not danced allows me a hope he was not of the crowd, tho’ had he supported Mr. Cantey boldly I should have been gratified. Hoping that you will have no further trouble, I am with sincere

[Page 2 – written on side of page]

Yours Very Truly
Laura D. Harall


Harrall, Laura D., “Letter from Laura D. Harrall to Colonel Asbury Coward, April 7, 1898,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed April 20, 2024, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/571.