Minutes of the Board of Visitors of The Citadel, 1863


Minutes of the Board of Visitors of The Citadel, 1863


Official minutes of the governing body of The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina.




The Citadel Archives & Museum



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The Citadel Board of Visitor Meeting Minutes










Charleston (S.C.)

Date Valid


23 pages ; 32 cm


[Page 1]
Meeting of the Board of Visitors, held in Charleston, Tuesday, April 14, 1863.

Present, Gen. James Jones, Chairman
Gen. D. F. Jamison, Col. I. D. Wilson
Henry Young Esq.. Thos. C. Perrin Esq.

The Report of the Superintendent of the Citadel Academy, transmitting action of the Academic Board was laid before the Board of Visitors, whereupon it was Resolved,

That the diploma of the institution be granted to the following cadets viz:

1. M. M. Farrow
2. R. H. Griffin
3. J. K. Law
4. F. M. Farr
5. B. G. Rushing
6. A. Doty
7. H. W. DeSaussure
8. W. F. Rice
9. R. L. Cooper
10. W. M. Smith
11. B. R. Snead
12. J. B. Dotterer in the order named

The reports of the Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy upon the suspensions of Cadets Wallace, Harris and Goode were submitted, and it was


That the suspensions be approved and made indefinite.

[Page 2]
Resolved – That the salary of the Surgeon of the Arsenal Academy be increased to the sum of five-hundred dollars per annum.

Mr. G. G. Wells was then elected Assistant Professor at the Citadel Academy, with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and pay of eleven-hundred dollars per annum.

Resolved – That the salary of Lieut. Coffin of the Citadel Academy be increased to eleven-hundred dollars per annum.

Resolved – That the salary of Lieut. Sams of the Arsenal Academy be increased to eleven-hundred dollars per annum.

The Chairman read to the Board a protest against the action of the Legislature, authorizing the Governor to appoint six cadets annually, to the Academy, which he (the Chairman) had handed to the Chairman of the Military Committee of the Senate before the adjournment of the Legislature. The protest was approved and ordered to be entered upon the Journal. The following is a copy.

“Statement of objections to the Resolutions of the General Assembly giving power to the Governor to appoint, annually, six beneficiary cadets in the S.C. Military Academy, and ordering an appropriation of $2000, to be increased by $2000 annually, until the appropriation amounts to $8000.00.

Twenty years ago, the Board of Visitors, under

[Page 3]
a meager act of the General Assembly, converted the Arsenal Guard and Citadel Guard into Military schools. They (the Board) devoted much time and labor to perfecting and carrying out their scheme. The experience of a series of years satisfied them that fifty-four beneficiary cadets were as many as could be subsisted, clothed, supplied and educated with the endowment of the annual appropriation of $30,000.00 and they fixed upon that number as the maximum in the Academy. By an estimate of the Superintendent of the Citadel Academy, based upon the prices of clothing and subsistence during the quarter ending September 30th, 1862, the annual cost of a cadet is shown to be,

For clothing $271.25
For subsistence $188.41
For servant’s hire, lights, fuel, washing and medicines $56.00
Making $515.66

Exclusive of textbooks, stationary, bedding & room furniture. The Resolution of the Legislature increases the number of beneficiary cadets by an addition of twenty-four, making the whole number seventy-eight instead of fifty-four. An increase of nearly fifty per cent, and contemplates an appropriation of $333.33 each, instead of at least $515.66 each, which latter sum will be really under the actual cost of each cadet to the institution during the continuance of the present high prices of clothing and subsistence.

[Page 4]
Again: if the institution is worthy of the patronage of the State, it is entirely owing to the care and labor bestowed upon it by the gentlemen composing the Board of Visitors. The Chairman of that Board, who has labored for twenty years in the cause cannot perceive any good reason why the appointment of cadets should be taken away from the Board and given to one of its members.

(Signed) James Jones
Chairman Board of Visitors

Feb. 2nd 1863

List of Distinguished Cadets reported at the Annual Examination April, 1863.

First Class
1. M. M. Farrow, Spartanburg Dist. – 1st in Eng., 2nd in Elocution & Comp, 1st Tactics, 1st in Conduct and 1st in General Merit.
2. R. H. Griffin, Abbeville Dist. – 1st in Ethics, 2nd in Pol. Science, 1st in Elocution & Comp., 2nd in Tactics, 1st in Drawing, & 2nd in General Merit.
Second Class
1. P. S. Norris, Edgefield Dist. Math. Surveying, Drawing and 1st in General Merit.
2. J. C. Anderson, Spartanburg Dist. Surveying, Tactics and 2nd in General Merit.
Third Class
1. J. M. Gray – Barnwell Dist. Math. French, Literature, Tactics, Drawing, Conduct & 1st in General Merit.
2. O. Sheppard, Edgefield Dist. 2nd in General Merit.
Fourth Class
1. F. J. Murdoch, Charleston Dist. Math. Literature & 1st in Gen’l Merit.
2. Thos. Frost, Charleston Dist. French & 2nd in Gen’l Merit.

[Page 5]
Columbia, April 25, 1863

“The Board of Visitors having witnessed the annual examination of the Classes at the Citadel Academy and having duly considered the recommendations of the Academic Board,

It is Ordered: That the recommendations of the Academic Board be approved.

1 That the Second Class is allowed to rise in the order shown by the roll.

2 That Cadets Cousart, Lockwood and Magrath be not allowed to rise with their class, but be retained in the Third Class. That the other members of the Third Class be allowed to rise in the order shown by the roll, but that Cadets J. Sanders, M. Rogers, Clement and Nicholes be censured in orders for neglect of study in the department of Belles Lettres & Ethics. The Board of Visitors would respectfully call the attention of the Academic Board to the low stand of Cadet T. B. Boyd of this class in “Literature,” and not very credible stand in Mathematics.

3 That the Fourth Class be permitted to rise to Third Class in the order shown by the roll.

4 That Cadets Baynard, J. Lawton, Matthews, Richards, Caskin, T. Howard, Richardson, Jordan, East, J. Sanders, Ryan, P. Lawton, Locke, Boinest, Webb and Gibbes be censured in orders for their low stand in conduct. The Board of Visitors calls the attention of the Superintendent to the errors in the figures of the “Merit Rolls” and directs that they be corrected. The Board is unable

[Page 6]
to determine whether the errors are in the details or the “Totals”: if in the latter they affect the stand and relative position of some of the Cadets, and must be corrected and the corrections reported immediately to the Secretary of the Board, for the Annual Register.

The following errors have been observed viz:

Merit Roll – Second Class Nos. 3 and 7
Merit Roll – Third Class Nos. 3, 4, 14, 15, 17, 19 & 25
Merit Roll – Fourth Class (not examined)”

(Signed) James Jones, Chairman
Board of Visitors

[Page 7]
Columbia, May 25 1863


Upon hearing the Report of the Superintendent of the Arsenal Academy, of the semi-annual examination of that Academy, the recommendation of the Academic Board herewith transmitted, are approved and ordered to be carried into effect.

1. That Cadets Fraser, H. Brown, H. Vance, Moetze, Johnstone and Gibson be discharged for deficiency in studies.

II. That Cadets McMorries and Morris be warned of their low stand in all the Departments of study, and of their extreme danger of discharge for deficiency.

III. That the following Cadets be notified of their low stand in the Departments named viz:
Cadets Miller and W. Lucas in Mathematics and French.
Cadets J. Huger, Stoney, Duvant, D. Huger and DuBos in Mathematics and English.
Cadets Hanckel, Walker, Warren and Emanuel in French and English.
Cadets T. Lucas and Harrison in Mathematics.
Cadets Cannon, Vaux, Pearson, Clarke, Salley, W. Thompson and Bronson in French.
Cadets Graves, C. Huger, Edwards, Ball, Conner, Hughes and Pringle in English.

And that they be admonished of the necessity of improvement in the respective Departments mentioned in connection with their names.

James Jones
Chairman Board of Visitors

[Page 8]
Columbia Aug. 28, 1863.

The recommendations of the Academic Board of the Citadel Academy, in relation to the result of the semi-annual examination lately completed at that Academy, are approved and ordered to be carried into effect. In accordance with which it is further ordered that Cadets J. W. Evans, A. H. White, B. T. Gibbes, E. J. Webb and J. E. Lewis of the Third Class be dismissed the Academy for deficiency in studies.

(Signed) James Jones
Chairman Board of Visitors

[Page 9]
Columbia, Nov. 24. 1863.

The annual examination of the Arsenal Cadets began this morning at 10 o’clock in presence of the Chairman of the Board of Visitors, and continued by adjournment until the 26th.

Columbia, Nov. 27. 1863.

The Board met at 11 ½ A.M. – Present

Gen. James Jones, Chairman
His Excel’cy Gov. Bonham, Gen. D. F. Jamison,
A. C. Garlington, Adj’t & Insp’tor Gen’l.

The Chairman read the resignation of Col. H. C. Young as a member of the Board, and stated that Col. R. J. Gage, of Union, had been appointed by His Excel’cy the Governor in his stead, whereupon the following resolutions were adopted.

Resolved, unanimously, That in parting with Col. Young, as a member of this Board, we feel it due to the long, pleasant and intimate association that has existed between us, to express our regret that his numerous cares should have induced him to resign, and our great pleasure in testifying to the regularity, zeal and efficiency with which he has ever discharged his duties.

Resolved, unanimously, That the Secretary of the Board be instructed to forward this resolution to Col. Young, and tender him our best wishes for his happiness in future.

The annual report of the Supt of the Arsenal Academy was then taken up & read, when it was

Ordered 1. That the suspension of Cadets [Illegible],

[Page 10]
Browning and DuBos for desertion be approved and that they be dismissed.

2. That the suspension of Cadet J. Brown be confirmed and that he be dismissed.

3. That the suspension of Cadets Ball, Burn, Connor, Edwards, Galphin, Goodlott, Hughes, Lowry, Mays, Massey, McMorries, O’Hear, Osborn, Smith, Stoney, L. Thompson and Vaux be confirmed and that they be dismissed.

4. That Cadet W. Thompson be restored to the internal discipline of the Academy, and that they he report for duty at the Arsenal on the 1st of January next.

5. That Cadet T. Lucas be dismissed for desertion.

6. That the name of Cadet Warren be dropped from the roll for continued absence.

7. That Cadet Rhett’s application to be relieved from the six demerits attached to his name be not granted.

8. That the applications of Cadets Ervin, Salley, Ragin, Carlisle, Huger, Felder, Morris and Miller, to remain at the Arsenal another year be not granted.

9. That Cadets Morris and Miller be discharged for deficiency in studies.

10. That in consideration of Cadet Wallace’s [illegible] for his conduct, previous to, and soon after his suspension, his dismissal be revoked and he be restored to the Academy to report on the 1st of January next.

11. That the remaining forty one members of the class be transferred to the Citadel Academy to report on the 1st of January next viz:

(turn over)

[Page 11]
1. M. S. Sams
2. W. H. Rhett
3. A. R. Heyward
4. J. T. Dargan
5. G. Croft
6. S. R. Todd
7. E. E. Stone
8. J. G. Simpson
9. P. Brown
10. J. L. Bartlette
11. J. M. Furman
12. J. F. Black
13. C. J. Thomas
14. C. P. Bull
15. H. C. DuBose
16. E. Lynch
17. C. W. Harrell
18. J. Lynch
19. A. N. McCollum
20. T. W. Clawson
21. W. T. Branch
22. J. B. Bethune
23. G. C. Graves
24. A. J. Green
25. P. J. W. McCann
26. R. K. Clark
27. J. W. Stewart
28. M. Simpson
29. A. M. Salley
30. E. E. Ervin
31. T. Croft
32. J. W. Vance
33. W. B. Pringle
34. D. Chamblin
35. R. T. Pearson
36. J. L. Felder
37. M. L. Walker
38. J. H. Boatwright
39. J. A. Carlisle
40. J. C. Huger
41. H. L. Ragin

Resolved, That the recommendation of Capt. Thomas in regard to admitting applicants in April and July be ordered to lie upon the table.

Adjourned to meet tomorrow at 10 A.M.

John B. Patrick

[Page 12]
Columbia, Nov. 28, 1863.

Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met this A.M. at 10 o’clock. – Present

Gen. James Jones, Chairman
Gen. D. F. Jamison & Hon. T. C. Perrin

Resolved, That hereafter any appointee, who shall fail to report at the time specified and afterwards apply for admission, shall not be received while there is a new applicant from the same district.

Resolved, That the following persons be appointed probationary pupils in the S. C. Military Academy, and that they be directed to report for duty on the 1st of January next.

* Benjamin Chiles P
Benj. F. McKeller P
George P. Brownlee P
Gillian S. Merriwether P
T. H. Moore P
Jas. A. Langston S
James Munroe P
Joseph W. Keys P
Preston Belcher P
J. Harrison P
Willian H. Hunting
* Alfred Ayer P
* Leland Hagood P
* Arthur M. Owens P
* F. Wardlaw Stansell P
* C. E. Coffin P
* Addison Brown P
Wm. R. Buckingham P
Heyward Brown P
Wm. Harper Hagood P
J. Seabrook Wells S
Park Woodward S
Wm. Daniel Villard P
Jos. Garvey Allen P
Edward B. Richardson P
* Robert Thomson P
J. L. Spann P
* Joseph W. Barnwell P
John P. Caldwell S
Osma Knox S
John H. Fell S
Joseph W. Colcock S
James Aucrum S
John E. Giles S
* W. P. DeSaussure P
* McKenzie Parker P
* Wm. Henry Heyward P
* Francis E. Taylor P
* John Dougherty P
* Robert B. Hayne P
George H. Winkler P
Chas. Blume Trumbo P

[Page 13]
Wm. W. Simons P
Russell Noble P
Jos. R. Pringle P
Maybar H. Motte P
W. D. Palmer P
H. C. Palmer P
Wm. B. Hills P
Jos. Swinton Baynard P
Joseph Howard Porter P
Walter Williman P
John C. Tiediman P
Samuel G. Porcher P
Samuel Wharton P
Grange S. Simons P
John Stoney Mathison P
Lawrence N. Chisolm P
Julius B. Aveilhe P
Arthur M. Gayer P
J. W. P. Chafee P
Robert H. Martin P
Samuel D. Alexander P
John M. Hamilton P
Theodore G. Snowden P
H. Banks Eason P
Francis H. Trenholm P
Lewis S. Jervey P
J. D. Heath P
J. S. J. Cliffton P
* Laurence L. Prince P
C. L. Evans P
Lucius L. Spencer P
* John Gratton Hagner P
J. S. Cantey P
John C. Ingraham P
Gabriel W. Dingle P
John Johnson S
H. A. Webb S
John George Vose P
F. V. Appleby P
F. W. F. Rivers P
Cotesworth P. Sanders P
* J. H. Dargan P
* Thomas Lide P
George W. McCall P
James Haynesworth P
Wm. P. Goodman S
James Turner S
Edgar Sheppard Adams P
Earle Williams P
George B. Addison P
Samuel Bones Hughes P
Wm. C. Carwile P
Artemus B. Watson P
Peyne Thomas P
Henry N. Obear P
James B. Humphrey S
Vandry McBee P
T. C. Pool P
Hamilton M. Gantt P
Jacob Chaplin P
David R. Sessions S
James Small S

[Page 14]
James R. Parker P
A. B. Hemingway P
J. Lowndes P
George O. Buck P
P. Bracey Villipigue S
* W. R. Withers P
* John Kershaw P
Wm. E. Johnson P
Benj. H. Shannon P
Jas. H. Thornwell P
Geo. Wesly Beckham P
Wm. Watts Kennedy S
Wm. R. Smith P
Jas. Barnsdale Parks P
Walter Eichelberger P
C. L. Smith P
Lexington Edward Steedman P
J. W. Spann P
M. Gantt P
Clarence McCloud P
Philip Albert Emanuel P
John C. Sellars P
James D. Bethea P
Augustus Walter P
Thos. Albert Johnson S
Thos. T. Moore P
John F. Spearman P
George Johnston P
Wm. T. Whetstone S
Francis R. Darby P
Wm. Edward McMichael P
Jefferson G. Darby P
Earle Gantt S
W. Moore P
* Albert R. Stuart P
Kemp S. Dargan P
John P. Herndon P
Charles F. Janney P
John E. Heise P
Jacob Lyons P
* D’Arcy P. Duncan P
Albert P. H. Walker P
James T. Bomar P
Lewis C. Cannon P
Howard S. Bobo P
* Parrish C. Furman P
* Horace H. Moses P
Wm. O. Cain P
R. M. Cain P
A. J. Moses P
George Rogers S
Lewis Meng P
Robert Scaife P
Henry E. Footman S
Wm. B. Pressley P
Joseph B. Shaw P

[Page 15]
John Calvin Simpson S
Johnston Jones P
George Steele P
R. T. May P
Wm. M. Thomason P


In accordance with the resolutions of the General Assembly, the following persons have been appointed by the Governor to the S. C. Military Academy.

1st Congressional Dist.
Daniel Quinn
Arthur C. Hammet
* George W. Ferrell
2nd Congressional Dist.
Francis Marion Lindsay
3rd Congressional Dist.
* Arthur W. Thomson
A. P. Woodward
4th Congr’l Dist.
* Abner W. Lamar
William Z. McGee
5th Congr’l Dist.
* R. A. Gwin
Thos. E. Boggs
6th Congr’l Dist.
* Daniel A. Miller
Henry A. Smith

* Re-appointed

Columbia, Nov. 28, 1863.

The Board met and resumed business at about 7 o’clock P.M. – Present

Gen. James Jones Chairman
Gen. D. F. Jamison, Hon. T. C. Perrin

The report (annual) of the Supt of the Citadel Academy was read, after which it was

Ordered 1. That the suspensions of Cadets T. Howard, W. G. Baynard and J. K. Anderson be approved and that they be dismissed.

[Page 16]
2nd That Cadets L. C. Rice, J. M. Moss and J. E. Boinest be restored to the Academy to receive such punishments in the institution as the Supt may deem necessary & preserve discipline. but that in future The Board announces in future [illegible] will not tolerate any such fraud on the part of cadets.

3. That the decision of the Board in the case of J. E. Lewis, discharged for deficiency at the last semi-annual examination, be revoked, and that he be restored to the Academy to enter 4th class rising 3rd in January next.

4. That the Bursar of the Citadel Academy furnish Cadet Frazier with shoes and underclothing at the expense of the institution.

5. That Cadet A. M. Odom be transferred to the pay roll and in case he refuses, that he be discharged.

6. That the First & Second Classes be granted a furlough from Troop on the 19th Dec. till Troop on the 4th January 1864, provided the siege of the city permits.

7. That Cadet Clements application to be excused from a mark in tactics, received at the last examination, be not granted.

8. That a furlough be granted to Lt. Armstrong for fourteen days, commencing Dec. 18th provided the siege of the city permits.

9. That Major White be furloughed from Dec. 18th to Dec. 31st, provided the siege of the city does not render it improper.

The following resolutions were also adopted.

Resolved, That hereafter, during the existence of the present high prices, pay cadets in the South Carolina Military Academy be required to furnish their own underclothing, including shirts, drawers and socks; also their shoes, combs and brushes and pay annually eight hundred dollars viz: two hundred dollars per quarter in advance.

[Page 17]
Resolved, That the pay of officers of the S. C. Military Academy be increased to the following amounts for the ensuing year viz:

Superintendent to $2000.00
Professor of Belles Lettres & Ethics to 2500.00 Professor of Mathematics to $2500.00
Professor of Experimental Science to $2500.00
Two Ass’t Professors to each $1600 3200.00
Surgeon to 500.00
Bursar to 1200.00
in addition to the appropriation of $1000. to the Arsenal Keeper, to be drawn by the Superintendent, and appropriation of $500. to the Physician of the Magazine Guard to be drawn by the Surgeon.

Superintendent, in addition to pay as Arsenal Keeper and Powder Receiver $2100.00
Lieut. Patrick, exclusive of pay as Sec’y to 1900.00 Lieut. Norris to 1900.00
Lieut. Sams to 1400.00
Bursar to 1000.00
Surgeon to 800.00

Resolved that the resignation of Lieut Wells be accepted to take effect on the 1st of Dec. [illegible], & that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to appoint a successor.

In accordance with the above resolution, the Chairman appointed Lieut. John F. [Illegible] of the Engineering Corps C. S. A.

[Page 18]
Resolved, That the following report be adopted.

To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

The Board of Visitors of the South Carolina Military Academy beg leave to submit the following report:

During the past year, the Board have the pleasure to state, that the discipline of the Academy has been fully maintained; and that the examinations at both the institutions have been entirely satisfactory, notwithstanding the many difficulties which the state of the country presented to the full accomplishment of both these objects. On the 10th of July last, the studies in both institutions were suspended, and the cadets of the Citadel Academy, and fifty-two cadets of the Arsenal Academy, were placed at the disposition of the Commanding General of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and assigned to special military duty in the city of Charleston. This state of things continued until the 3rd of September following when the detachment from the Arsenal was remanded to their duties at that post, although the cadets of the Citadel Academy remained in service until the 23rd of the same month.

At the present meeting of the Board, besides the usual number of state applicants, there were three hundred and seventy-five pay applications for admission into the class of next year; of whom, the Board could only receive twenty-seven state, and one hundred and fourteen pay cadets. At the last annual meeting of the Board, a larger number of applicants were rejected, on account

[Page 19]
of the very limited means at the Arsenal for their accommodation; and the Board suggested to your honorable body, the propriety of making certain additions to the Arsenal buildings at Columbia, which could have accommodated about one-hundred and and thirty additional cadets. This suggestion was approved by your honorable body, and an appropriation of twenty-five thousand dollars was made to erect the buildings, but, in consequence of the restriction placed upon the appropriation, it could not be drawn, and consequently the buildings were not erected. From the increased price of labor and materials, the same improvement could not be made for double the amount appropriated last year, and it may be doubled if the necessary materials could now be procured at any price.

At the annual meeting of the Board, held on the 28th of November inst., there were fifty-seven pay, and twenty-three state cadets at the Citadel Academy. Thirty-one pay, and nine state cadets were ordered to be sent from the Arsenal to the Citadel Academy, on the 1st of January next, making at present in the institution, eighty-eight pay and thirty-two state cadets. Besides eleven cadets appointed by the Governor, under a resolution of the General Assembly, passed at the last annual session, there were appointed at the same time, one-hundred and fourteen pay and twenty-six state cadets, applicants to enter the Arsenal Academy, and twenty-one pay applicants to enter the fourth class, rising third, at the Citadel Academy, and four

[Page 20]
cadets under suspension were restored to that Academy, so that, on the 1st of January next, there will be at the Citadel, one hundred and twelve pay, and thirty-three state cadets, and at the Arsenal, one hundred and fourteen pay and thirty-seven state cadets; making in the aggregate, two-hundred and ninety-six cadets in the Military Academy.

The continued increase of prices for clothing and subsistence during the year has proved a very serious obstacle to the Board in maintaining these institutions. From the exhibits furnished the Board by the Superintendents of the two Academies, it appears that the cost of supporting a cadet during the ensuing year, based upon an estimate of present prices, will amount to $118.46, for clothing, and $685.80 for subsistence, when the sum paid by the cadet during the past year was $400 per annum. As it would be impossible, therefore, to maintain a cadet in the Academy at the amount heretofore charged, without bringing the institution greatly in debt, the Board, after full advisement, have determined, during the existence of the present high prices, to require parents and guardians, besides furnishing their sons and wards with shoes and certain articles of underclothing required during the past year, to pay the sum of eight hundred dollars per annum.

The Board regrets to state, notwithstanding the most judicious economy in the purchase of articles necessary for the support of the institution, aided by the privilege of purchasing many such articles from the Commissary General of the States, that the fund appropriated by your honorable body based upon estimates

[Page 21]
of prices made last year, has not been sufficient; and they have to report an excess of expenditures over receipts, at the Citadel Academy, of $13,784.14, and at the Arsenal Academy, of $9,587.43, making together the sum of $23,371.57. The Board respectfully recommend a special appropriation of that amount to cover the deficit.

The annual appropriation of $37,000, after deducting the pay of fourteen officers of the institution leaves for the support of each state cadet, $251.51. Upon the basis of eight hundred dollars for the cost of each cadet, the deficiency during the ensuing year, for each state cadet will be $548.49, which, for the whole number of sixty-six cadets amounts to $36,234, and that, added to the annual appropriation, will amount to the sum of $73,200. The Board respectfully recommend an annual appropriation of the last named sum, as necessary for the support of the institution, during the present state of affairs; to be increased hereafter as the number appointed by the Governor under the resolution of the General Assembly, is successively increased, until the maximum, twenty-four, is reached.

The following is a condensed abstract of the receipts and expenditures of the Academy, for the fiscal year ending September 30th 1863. The accounts and vouchers of the business of the Citadel and Arsenal Academies are herewith transmitted.

[Page 22]
Balance of cash on hand last year $905.70
Received from annual appropriation 35,250.00 Received from appropriation for cadets appointed by Governor 1,225.00
Received from pay cadets 49,500.00
Received from sale of supplies to officers 9,719.67 Received from Governor Pickens for extra Magazine Guard 568.80
[Total] $97,169.17

For salaries of officers $19,499.38
For subsistence 35,740.36
For clothing 23,756.45
For washing 3,309.69
For hire of servants 1,937.31
For music 256.00
For contingencies including fuel, lights, books, stationary, medicines, etc. 8,222.72
For permanent improvements 1,556.13
For repairs to buildings, furniture, etc. 912.36
For pay and subsistence of Magazine Guard 1,733.18 For balance cash remaining on hand 245.59
[Total] $97.169.17

Cash balance at Arsenal $170.04
Cash balance at Citadel 75.55
[Total] $245.59

Unpaid bills at Citadel $13,784.14
Unpaid bills at Arsenal 9,587.43
[Total] $23,371.57

An exhibit is herewith submitted, showing the number of cadets appointed to the Academy, and their disposition.

Respectfully reported,
(Signed) James Jones Chairman
Board Visitors

Columbia, Dec. 1st 1863.

[Page 23]
Showing the number of cadets appointed, the number that failed to report, discharged, suspended, and graduated.

[See chart on original document.]

Resolved, That the thanks of the Board of Visitors of the South Carolina Military Academy are due, and are hereby respectfully tendered to Theodore D. Wagner Esq., for the liberal and public spirited aid afforded by him, to the officers of the South Carolina Military Academy, in the purchase of cloth for the use of that institution at the present period of scarcity – and high prices.

Resolved, That the above resolution be recorded in the minutes of the Board, and that the Secretary be instructed to transmit a copy of the same to Mr. Wagner.


Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, “Minutes of the Board of Visitors of The Citadel, 1863,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed April 19, 2024, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/378.