Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, October 16, 1905


Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, October 16, 1905


Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, President of The Citadel.


The Citadel Archives & Museum



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Typed transcription:

16 de Octubre de 1905

Sr. Coronel

Asbury Coward

Sup’t de la South Carolina Military Academy

Charleston, S.C.

Muy Sr. mio:

Tengo el gusto de incluirle un giro postal á su órden por $100.00 Cy. que és la cantidad que corresponde pagar por el primer plazo de la instalacion en esa Academia de mi hermano Francisco Alba y Gomez de la Maza.

Perdone que haya yó tardado tantos dias en enviarle este dinero, pero ha sido debido á que estaba esperando que mi referido hermano me contestase una carta que le escribi preguntándole á nombre de quien tenia que mandar el giro.

Me repito de Ud. atentamente á sus órdenes

José Perpiñán


Translation by Christian Mateo Mérida:

16 de Octubre de 1905

Sr. Coronel

Asbury Coward

Sup’t de la South Carolina Military Academy

Charleston, S.C.

My very good sir:

I have the pleasure of including a money order to the order of $100.00 Cy. which is the quantity that corresponds the payment for the first term of the enrollment of my brother Francisco Alba y Gomez de la Maza in the Academy.

Pardon me for sending the money several days late, as I was waiting for my brother to reply to a letter I wrote asking my brother for the name of who to send the money order to.

I repeat that I am at your service,

José Perpiñán


Perpiñán, José, “Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, October 16, 1905,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed April 20, 2024, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/1732.