Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, March 15, 1905


Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, March 15, 1905


Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, President of The Citadel.


The Citadel Archives & Museum



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Typed transcription:

15 de Marzo de 1905

Sr. Coronel

Asbury Coward


Muy Sr. mio:

Anoche recibi un cable de mi hermano Francisco Alba en el que me dice que mi otro hermano Pepe ha sido expulsado de la Academia. Verdaderamente me ha sorprendido mucho ese cable pues yó no tenia noticias alguna de Vd. referente á que mi dicho hermano José estuviera cometiendo faltas que pudieran dar lugar á que fuese expulsado de esa Academia.

Yó le ruego á Vd. me dé detalles de lo que ha ocurrido y á la vez me mande una relacion detallada de lo que adeudan mis referido hermanos por gastos extraordinarios para enviarle su importe.

De Vd. muy atentamente

José Perpiñán


Translation by Christian Mateo Mérida:

15 of March of 1905

Mr Coronel

Asbury Coward


My very good sir:

Last night, I received a cable from my brother Francisco Alba in which he tells me that my other brother Pepe [José] has been expelled from the Academy. Truthfully, I was surprised quite a lot by this cable, as I had no notification of any kind from you referring to what I described with my brother José who had been committing faults that could have given place to himself being expelled from the Academy.

I request of you that you give me details of what had occurred and at the same time present me a detailed list of the debts and extraordinary costs for my referred to brothers to have sent for payment.

Yours very attentively

José Perpiñán


Perpiñán, José, “Letter from José Perpiñán to Asbury Coward, March 15, 1905,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed April 23, 2024, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/1726.