Minutes of the Board of Visitors of The Citadel, 1904


Minutes of the Board of Visitors of The Citadel, 1904


Official minutes of the governing body of The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina.




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Charleston (S. C.)


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Columbia S.C., Feby 25th 1904

[Written on side of page.]

Election of Chairman

[Main page.]

A special meeting of the Board was held this day at the Governor’s office at 12 o’clock – M.

Present Col C S Gadsden, Maj Lucas, Gen’l Frost, Col Aldrich, Messrs Sheppard, Lewis & Blythe – Govr Heyward –

Upon motion of the Gov Heyward, Col Gadsden was unanimously re-elected Chairman of the Board, and Maj Blythe Secretary.

[Written on side of page.]

Executive Committee

[Main page.]

The Executive Committee consisting of Messrs Gadsden Lewis & Lucas was re-elected.

[Written on side of page.]

Memorial to City Council

[Main page.]

In the matter of Memorial to City Council, Col Aldrich stated that the papers were in proper shape to be presented to the City Council and that he was prepared to submit the matter whenever it was convenient for the other members of the Sub-Committee, Messrs Sheppard and Herbert – It was left to the Committee to communicate with the Mayor and fix a time for presenting the Memorial –

The minutes of the December meeting read & approved –

[Written on side of page.]

Corps to St Louis

[Main page.]

Visit of Corps of Cadets to St Louis – Gen’l Frost stated that a rate of one cent for each mile traveled would be given Military companies. Superintendent stated that the Exposition Company had erected barracks and would reserve them for the Cadets from June 15th to July 15th, and that a restaurant was attached where meals could be had at 25¢ each. It is understood that Cadets shall pay their own railroad fare and that the Academy should maintain them as is usual at the Academy on Encampments –

With reference to the trip the following resolution offered by Col Aldrich was adopted –

1st Resolved – That it is deemed expedient to carry the Officers and Corps of Cadets to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St Louis Mo, between the 15th and 28th June next, Provided the Institution shall be at no expense for transportation, and that the consent of the parents of Cadets be first secured –

[Page 2]

2d Resolved – That a Committee of the Board consisting of Col Gadsden, Maj Lucas, and Gen’l Frost be appointed to secure suitable railroad transportation rates for the Corps –

3d Resolved – That the Annual commencement exercises be held in the City of Columbia as at the usual time.

[Written on side of page.]

Rifles for the Corps

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Gen’l Frost explained that the matter of Cadet rifles had been arranged with the Government and that the rifles could be loaned by the State to the Academy, the old bond surrendered, and no new bond would be required –

[Written on side of page.]

Heating and Lighting

[Main page.]

That the disposition of this question, and of the $10.000 appropriation by the Legislature at the past session be referred to the Executive Committee with power to act, and that in the disposition of the matter Col Coward be associated with the Committee –

[Written on side of page.]

Chair of Electric Engineering

[Main page.]

Maj Lucas read a letter from President, College of Charleston giving estimate of cost if the apparatus &c of college were used by the Cadets, Maj Lucas asked that Committee be continued – granted –

[Written on side of page.]

Obligation of Cadets to teach

[Main page.]

Col Aldrich stated he had conferred with the Superintendent of Education and that they had agreed that it would be inadvisable for any measure suggesting a change to emanate from the Board of Visitors –

[Written on side of page.]


[Main page.]

Cadet Whitmire permitted to retire in January asked that the proportionate part of the tuition fee paid by him be refunded. The Secretary was requested to investigate the matter further and report to Chairman, and he was given authority to decide the question.

Cadet Isaacs submitted application for Honorable Discharge it was granted.

In the appeals in the cases of Cadets Hodges, Gonzales, Still, Doty and McDonald the action of Superintendent was confirmed. Board adjourned at 2 10 pm.

E. M. Blythe

[Page 3]

Citadel – Charleston April 18th 1904

A special meeting of the Executive Committee was held this day, in the office of the Superintendent, present Maj Gadsden, Maj Lucas, Capt Lewis absent account of sickness of family, Col Coward also present –

The subject of a Heating and Lighting plant for the Academy was discussed with Mr Chas. R. Volk a mechanical expert who was present by invitation – It was finally decided to invite proposals from contractors and notices to that effect were placed in the Charleston News & Courier and Evening Post, also Columbia State and Scientific American, asking for bids for heating and lighting the Academy, to be opened on April 20th 1904 at 12 o’clock M –

J.E. Smith
Secy –

Citadel – Charleston April 20th 1904

Executive Committee met in office of Superintendent at 11 oclock am, - present Col Gadsden, Maj Lucas, Capt Lewis, Col Coward, and Maj Bond by invitation –

The subject of printing in Spanish the book of information issued by the Academy was discussed and it was finally decided to print – copies in Spanish to be bound with those in English –

In the matter of placing spring lattice doors to the water closets it was decided after receiving a verbal report from the Quarter Master, to postpone the work until the Annual Meeting of the Board –

In the matter of receiving bids for the Heating and Lighting plant in accordance with the following advertisement, the following bids were received –

Evans, [illegible words], for heating by Hot water $8648.00
Volk & Murdock for heating by Steam 10.591.00 W. F. Strong, Agent for lighting by Acetylene Gas. 755.50
Electric Supply Co – wiring, Engine and Generator 2234.67
Cameron & Barkley Co wiring, Engine and Generator 2250.00

[See original document for newspaper clipping.]

[Page 4]

After opening and discussing bids the Committee adjourned (without action) subject to the call of the Chairman

J.E. Smith Secretary

Citadel – Charleston SC – May 2d 1904

Meeting of the Executive Committee, on the call of the Chairman, occurred this day, to close the contract with Messrs Evans, Almirall & Co for Heating the Citadel buildings

Present – Maj Lucas and Gadsden, with Supt Coward, absent Capt Lewis –

The contract with Messrs Evans, Almirall & Co of New York
was duly executed, and one copy sent to Capt Lewis for his signature, Mr Almirall carrying off the copy for contractors – The specifications and blue print forming part of this contract were placed in the safe of the Academy in the office of the Superintendent – The Committee then adjourned –

J.E. Smith Secretary

[Page 5]

Citadel June 28th 1904

The meeting of the Board of Visitors was called to order at 12 oclock –

Present Col Gadsden, Maj Lucas, Col Herbert and Major Blythe, -

Minutes of the meetings of the Board Feby 28 and of the Executive Committee in April and May were read and confirmed –

[Written on side of page.]

Report on Heating and Lighting plant

[Main page.]

Chairman read report of Executive Committee on Heating and Lighting as follows – adopted –

“Your Executive Committee to whom was referred the matter of Heating and Lighting the Citadel buildings, beg leave to report – “That following the action at the last meeting of the General Assembly when $10.000 – was appropriated for the above purposes, your Committee met on the 20th March and inserted notices to contractors in the local papers of Charleston and Columbia and the Scientific American of NY, calling for bids for such work to be in hands of the Chairman by the 20th April, (see copy advertisement on page 374) – That at the meeting of your Committee on the last named date the following mentioned bids had been submitted in accordance with the public notice –

Evans, Almirall & Co Hot Water $8648.00
Volk and Murdock Steam 10.591.00
W F Strong – Agt Acetylene lighting 755.50
Electric Supply Co Electric lighting 2234.67
Cameron & Barkley Co Electric lighting $2250.00

Examination of these several bids showed that if the bid of Evans, Almirall & Co for heating by Hot Water was accepted, the appropriation by the Legislature would not be quite sufficient to erect an Electric Lighting plant also. So it was deemed best to accept at once the favorable bid of Evans, Almirall & Co for heating, and leave the question of Lighting to subsequent consideration

Your Committee on the second of June [illegible] closed

[Page 6]

A contract for Heating the building with Evans, Almirall & Co for the amount of Eight thousand six hundred and forty dollars and have under consideration the question of Lighting. This contract with Evana, Almirall & Co, with specifications and blue prints are herewith submitted –

C. S. Gadsden
J. J. Lucas } Committee

[Written on side of page.]

Apportionment Beny Cadets

[Main page.]

Resolved that the apportionment of Beneficiary Cadets made by the Superintendent and submitted to the Board of Visitors based on population in Counties be adopted. Carried – see statement marked “B”

[Written on side of page.]

W.E. Sawyer case

[Main page.]

Case of Cadet Adjutant Walter. E. Sawyer, consideration deferred until later portion of meeting – (see page 388)

[Written on side of page.]

Salary Dr Parker

[Main page.]

Application of Dr F. L. Parker for restoration of salary, following resolution by Col Aldrich, adopted –

“This matter having been disposed of at a full meeting of the Board at Rock Hill on the 29th June AD 1903 and there being nothing additional to what was then before the Board being now brought to its attention it is

Resolved. that the application of Dr Parker for restoration of his salary be and the same is hereby refused”

[Written on side of page.]

Request of Capt Kennedy

[Main page.]

Letter from Capt Benj Kennedy asking to be released from his obligation to teach for two years owing to service rendered as Commandant of Cadets at Welsh Neck Military Academy for 3 years –

Maj Lucas moved that the matter be referred to Superintendent of Education to report at August meeting to which time action by the Board shall be deferred – Recess until Wednesday

[Page 7]

Citadel – Wednesday June 19th 1904

Board met at 10 30 this morning at the Citadel, - present Col Gadsden, Maj Lucas, Messrs Blythe and Sheppard, Col’s Aldrich and Herbert –

[Written on side of page.]

Col Lynes sent to Cuba &c

[Main page.]

Motion made by Col Aldrich that Maj Lynes be sent to Porto [sic] Rico and Cuba for the purpose of canvassing for Cadets subject to the direction of the Chairman Board Visitors – adopted.

[Written on side of page.]

Col Thomas to canvass the State

[Main page.]

Moved that certain Counties in this State as suggested by Col Thomas be canvassed this summer and that Col Thomas be requested to make the canvass; that the expenses of the canvass be left to the Chairman Board of Visitors – adopted.

Charleston June 29th 1904

Col C. S. Gadsden
Chairman, Board of Visitors

Dear Sir: -

I have the honor to submit report of the affairs of the Academy for the Academic year ending June 30th 1904.

Enrollment – There have been upon the roll of the Academy for the year now ending one hundred and thirty five Cadets, - 135 – sixty eight of whom were State beneficiaries, and sixty seven were Pay and Charleston City beneficiaries.

Of this number we have lost by the following casualties
By Expulsion for desertion 2 “1 P & 1 B”
By permit to resign at end of probation 3 “P”
By permit to retire 7 “6 P & 1 B”
By honorable discharge to enter U.S.M.A. 2 “1 B & 1 P”
By honorable discharge to enter U.S.N.A. 1 “1 B”
By honorable discharge 1 “1 P” = 16
thus leaving on the roll – 119
Of these, there are absent with leave 7, without 3 10
Total present 109

[Page 8]

Absent without leave – Moffatt, McClary, and Boatwright –

The health of the Corps has been remarkably good; no cases of an epidemic character having occurred, and only three cases of fever and one of rheumatism have necessitated any extended furlough.

Academic Work – This work has, in the main, been satisfactory. In the fourth class only have failures occurred as will be seen by the recommendations of the Academic board, herewith submitted to your consideration – (Extract of Proceedings of Academic Board) “It was moved that all the members of the First Class, having accomplished the four years course with the required degree of proficiency, be recommended to receive the diploma of the Academy. Carried –

It was moved that all members of the Second Class, having passed with the required degree of proficiency, be advanced to the First Class – Carried –

It was moved that all the members of the Third Class, having passed with the required degree of proficiency, be advanced to the Second Class – Carried –

It was moved that the following Cadets of the Fourth Class, deficient in studies, be turned back to the Fourth Class of next year –

Cooper deficient on general average –
Johnson. A deficient on general average –
McClary deficient on general average –
Harris H deficient in Mathematics
Solomon. S. deficient in Mathematics, and general average

It was moved that the following Cadets of the Fourth Class deficient in studies be dismissed,

Boatwright, deficient in Math, English, and general average
Jones, deficient in Math, English, and general average

It was moved that Cadet Harris, W, Hodges, Johnson, W, and Miller of the Fourth Class, absent from final examination, be examined in October for advancement to next class –

It was moved that all the other members of the Fourth Class, having passed with the required degree of proficiency be advanced to the Third Class” –

O. J. Bond
Sec’y – A.B.

[Page 9]

The experience of the last fourteen years has confirmed me in the opinion that most of the failures occurring in the fourth class arise from the immaturity and want of proper preparation of those admitted. The first cause may be in a measure neutralized by requiring the matriculates to be at least sixteen years of age – At West Point the minimum age for entrance is seventeen years.

The other difficulty is not so easily counteracted, because of the imperative resting upon our institution to keep in touch with, and in reach of, the average public schools of the State. I beg to repeat my recommendation that the age limits for entrance be fixed at Sixteen and twenty years. It is rare, in fact, almost impossible to pull a lad of fifteen through college curriculum that is not superficially carried out –

Reports of Professors – In addition to the department assigned to the Superintendent ie Moral and Political Science, I have had a section of the Fourth Class in Mathematics throughout the year. This was necessary in consequence of the size of the class and the necessity of making the sections small enough for effective teaching. Even this expedient however, was not productive of desired results. A large number of the class were poor students, and the allotted amount of work was not accomplished. Under the elective system as arranged at the beginning of the Academic year only four students of the First Class chose Political Science as a part of the English course. This was a bad arrangement for the reason that no graduate should leave the institution without at least an Academic knowledge of the nature of our system of government and of the rights and duties of Citizenship. Next year the department will be taken from the elective and transferred to the regular and compulsory part of the course. I herewith submit the reports of other professors as Doc 1 – a – b – c – d – e – f – g – h – on file with other reports of these minutes –

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Acting upon your authority to substitute a trip to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St Louis, Mo, for our annual encampment this year. I addressed to each parent, or guardian, the following letter:

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South Carolina Military Academy,

Office of the Superintendent.

Citadel, Charleston, S. C. April 6th, 1904.


To Parents and Guardians: -

The Board of Visitors of the South Carolina Military Academy has authorized the Superintendent to take the Corps of Cadets to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, during the last two weeks in June, in lieu of holding the Annual Encampment, PROVIDED, that the Institution be at no expense for the Railway Transportation of the Cadets. The only concession made by the Railroads is that the fare be reduced to ONE cent. a mile, for distance traveled, going and returning. This will require about twenty ($20) dollars, per Cadet. All other expenses will be borne by the Institution. It is important that I be notified by you before the 15th inst., whether you are willing to advance this sum of Twenty Dollars in order that the Cadet in whom you are interested shall have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the proposed trip. The stay in St. Louis would be from eight to ten days.

Very Respectfully,

Asbury Coward,

[Page 12]

About one hundred and twelve sent favorable answers to this Circular, but by the 13th of June, for various reasons, many of these recalled their consent, so that there were only ninety-three who were prepared to take the trip –

The others were given the option of remaining and being cared for at the Academy, or receiving furloughs on the application of their parents or guardians. All of these presented the required applications and were furloughed to noon of August June 28th.

The inclosed [sic] list shows how the battalion was organized for the trip – Academic Officers – Col. Asbury Coward Capt G H McMaster, U.S.A., Maj P. P. Mazyck, Maj O. J. Bond, Capt W. W. White, Qr Master, Capt J. W. Cantey, Dr Wm Mazyck, Surgeon, and W. C. O’Driscoll, Surgeon’s Assistant –

Cadet Staff – Hutchins Cadet Adjutant
White – Cadet Qr Master Hartnett – Q M Serg’t
Acker – Cadet Hospital Steward Lee F – Clerk –
Willingham Serg’t Major

Company “A” = Capt Drummond –
1st Lieut Culler Corpl Dick Privates Benson
2d Lieut Hodges A Corpl La Roche Privates Bethea
1st Serg’t Smith W. Corpl Langston Privates Blank
2d Serg’t Dickson R. Corpl Auld Privates Bostock
3d Serg’t Craig R Corpl McGee Privates Bradham
4th Serg’t Doty Privates Davis
Corpl Culley Privates Douglas
Corpl Howe Privates Easterby

[Page 13]

Private Ehrlick Lee – W Russell
Private Gribbin Lowry Smith. A.
Private Gonzales McKinney Smith. G.
Private Hammond Mikell Solomon. M.
Private Harris. H. Moorer Solomon. S.
Private Johnson. J. Pollitzer Wingo –
Private Jones Richey

Company “B” Capt Lyon –
1st Lieut Gettys Privates Baum Moore
2d Lieut Hammett Privates Blackwell Muldrow
3d Lieut Padgett Privates Cain Plowden
1st Sergt Smith. H. Privates Craig Price
2d Sergt Scott Privates Cooper Read. S
3d Sergt Register Privates Connor Reid. L.
Corpl Simons J. Privates Eadie Rogers
Corpl Eason Privates Evans Roper
Corpl Dickson. J. Privates Furman Ruff. A
Corpl Filts Privates Houghton Stevans
Corpl Waring Privates Hutson Still
Corpl Colvin Privates Iseman Taylor
Privates Johnson Thompson
Privates McLure White
Wyche –

The Agents of the Atlantic Coast Line had prepared a special train for us with admirable regard for all the details promotion of comfort, convenience and dispatch. This train we boarded at 5.30 p.m. of the 15th inst. and we landed without hitch or accident, in St Louis about 8.30 am, of the 17th inst, and within a [sic] hour of the time scheduled –

The beautiful and varied scenery through which we passed was a source of delight and instruction to the Cadets – Upon arrival in the Fairgrounds comfortable quarters in barracks provided with every desirable convenience were found in readiness for us – The daily program of the Directory required some military exercise,

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some drill or parade of the military organizations present in camp or barracks – Two dress parades and three drills in addition to our regular morning guard mounting were all that were required of the Cadets – The rest of their time was given to them to visit the grand exhibition of modern progress in every branch of human accomplishments assembled at this superb Exposition, and I am glad to say they eagerly availed themselves of the opportunity. The last drill was a competitive one between the two companies of battalions, there being no other military organization present, or prepared, to compete with them. After a spirited contest of over an hour, witnessed by an immense concourse of people, on Plaza St Louis, the judges who were three U.S. Army officers on duty at the Exposition, pronounced Co “A” Cadet Captain Drummond Commanding to be the superior “in the dressing in line and in fours, in the maintenance of distance and interval, and in snappiness in drill.” Lieut Haight, U.S.A. Military Secretary of the Committee on Ceremonies, who was one of the judges, authorized me to announce to the Corps that although the pennant offered as a prize was intended for contest between different military organizations, yet the drill put up by our Cadets was so excellent that an exception would be made and a pennant would be sent to Company “A” as soon as it can be prepared.

Before leaving St Louis I sent to Lieut Haight, to be forwarded to Pres Francis, the following note enclosing the report of Capt McMaster, Commandant –

St Louis, Mo – June 26th 1904

Lieut C Sidney Haight
Military Secy, Com on Ceremonies –
Worlds Fair, St Louis, Mo.

Dear Sir: -

I take pleasure in conveying to you, and through you, to President D. R. Francis of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the enclosed copy of the report of Capt George. H. McMaster U.S.A. and Commandant of

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Cadets of the South Carolina Military Academy. In addition to what I have had the pleasure to express orally, in person to both you and President Francis, I endorse most heartily all that Capt McMaster says in praise of the admirable arrangements made by your Directory for the full and profitable enjoyment of the instructive opportunities afforded by this splendid Exposition to all the educational institutions of the Country. Everything was generously provided for our comfort and convenience. In this your Directory has shown great wisdom in the line of patriotism.

Wishing you abundant success to the very end of your great undertaking, I am, very respectfully,

Your ob’t servant
Asbury Coward
Supt S.C.M.A.

Louisiana Purchase Exposition
St Louis, Mo, June 26th 1904

Col Asbury Coward
Supt – S.C. Military Academy –

Dear Sir: -

I hereby call your attention to the facilities furnished by the Exposition Company and enjoyed by this Battalion since the 17th inst, ie good Barracks; comfortable beds with mattresses and pillows; modern closets and baths; meals, ample, healthful and of good and palatable quality furnished at 75¢ per day; iced water supplied Barracks; electric lights, and finally the generous advice and assistance of Lieut Haight 3d U.S. Cavalry, and his Assistants – Under these felicitous conditions your Corps of Cadets have enjoyed the advantages of the Exposition and have been brought in relations of comradeship with such organizations as the Knights of Pythias from Ohio, and Cadets from South Dakota and Illinois. This is an educating influence conducive to good citizenship, and a public benefit to the Country at large making it a [illegible] provision on the part of our Congress in encouraging this great educating Institution the Exposition.

[Page 16]

Respectfully submitted
Geo. H. McMaster
Captain 24th U.S.A. Infantry

Upon our return to Charleston the following two letters were received.

Louisiana Purchase Exposition
St Louis – Mo – June 28th 1904

Colonel Asbury Coward –
Supt, South Carolina Military Academy –
Charleston – South Carolina –

Dear Sir: -

I write to thank you for your kind letter of the 26th, instant, and will take pleasure in forwarding to Governor Francis the report you enclose from Capt McMaster – I trust that later in the season you may be persuaded to return this way, and shall hope to again have the pleasure of seeing you

Very truly yours
C. Sidney Haight
1st Lieut 4th Car. U.S.A.
Military Aid

Louisiana Purchase Exposition
St Louis – Mo – June 27th 1904

Dear Sir: -

I have received at the hands of Lieutenant Haight your letter of the 26th inst, inclosing a copy of the official report of Capt. George. H McMaster, U.S.A. and Commandant of Cadets of the South Carolina Military Academy, relative to the visit of that organization to the Exposition and the accommodations for it by our Management.

It is very gratifying to us to know that our arrangement for the housing, and entertainment of the command were adequate and satisfactory. We highly appreciate Captain McMaster’s generous words of praise and thank you for the expressions of your own appreciation and indorsement [sic].

The soldierly bearing and uniform courtesy of

[Page 17]

The South Carolina Cadets during their stay with us will long to be a pleasant memory with all our officials. Kindly convey to Capt McMaster the assurance of our sincere esteem, and for yourself accept the thanks of –

Your most truly
D. R. Francis

Colonel Asbury Coward –
Supt, South Carolina Military Academy
Charleston, S.C.

I am proud to be able to say, as I am sure you will be to know, that the commendatory remarks of President Francis reflects the unanimous opinion expressed by all who came in contact with the Cadets or witnessed their military performances.

Every Cadet seemed to esteem it a privilege as well as an individual, personal responsibility to worthily represent his institution and his State.

About 9 p.m. of the 26th we boarded our special train for home. The same care for our comfort and convenience by the railway people that we enjoyed in going to St Louis, was provided on our return. The route was the same in fact, but as we now traversed in daylight what we previously passed over in the night, it really seemed a new one. Without accident or delay, we reached Charleston about 3 p.m. of the 28th inst, each one grateful for the rare and uninterrupted pleasure he had enjoyed and conscious of the acquisition of an immense increment in experience and useful knowledge. Thus closed one of the most brilliant episodes in the history of the Academy.

Very Respectfully
Asbury Coward

Documents herewith submitted Doc 1 Reports of Professors
Doc 2 List Officers & Cadets to St Louis
Doc 3 Supts report of Receipts and Disbursements

[Page 18]

[Written on side of page.]

Col Aldrich on St Louis trip

[Main page.]

By Col Aldrich –

Resolved – That the Board of Visitors has received and heard the report of the Superintendent upon the excursion of the Corps of Cadets to the St Louis Exposition with great satisfaction, and congratulate the Institution and the Cadets upon the creditable record made upon said occasion, which justifies the [illegible] that a Citadel Cadet is at all times a soldier and a gentleman –

Resolved – That a copy of this resolution be furnished to the Superintendent of the Academy and be published to the Corps under his direction – adopted –

[Written on side of page.]

Cadet Jno. G. Ehrlick

[Main page.]

Application of Cadet John. G. Ehrlick 4th class to be excused from examinations on account of trouble with his eyes be granted – (for the month of April only)

[Written on side of page.]


[Main page.]

Moved that the question of selection of Commandant be deferred until August meeting and that Supt Coward be requested to ascertain the names of desirable officers for the position

[Written on side of page.]

Conferring Degrees

[Main page.]

The question of conferring Degrees upon all graduates of the Academy as well as upon those attaining an average of 85% was referred to a Committee consisting of Maj Lucas, Messrs Herbert and Blythe, who are to report at meeting in August.


That it be referred to the SUPERINTENDENT and MEMBERS of the faculty of the SOUTH CAROLINA MILITARY ACADEMY to communicate more freely with the newspaper press so as to quicken the interest of the Public in the affairs of the Academy.

It is suggested that each of the Faculty in turn undertake to write something of interest for the Press each week. The favors shown by the War Department; the high estimate placed on the school as being included among six purely MILITARY SCHOOLS in the UNITED STATES; the splendid endorsements given each year by UNITED STATES INSPECTOR GENERALS

All of these high topics show the lines upon which continued reference could be made to attract public favor and patronage.

Each of such articles should be reviewed by the SUPERINTENDENT before publication. Adopted –

[Page 19]

[Written on side of page.]

Fence on East Wing

[Main page.]

Maj Lucas moved that the Quarter Master be requested to have removed the fence from around the lot in front of East Wing of the Citadel

Wednesday Afternoon – Citadel June 29th 1904

[Written on side of page.]

Cadet Sawyer report of Col Aldrich

[Main page.]

Board met at 4 30 p.m. and after reviewing the Corps met in office Superintendent

Col Aldrich read the following report on case of Cadet Sawyer which was adopted by the Board -

[Page 20]

Action of Board of Visitors on Case of Cadet Sawyer

[Page 21]

Citadel, Charleston, S.C., 29 June 1904

Extract from minutes Regular meeting this date –

In Re


Cadet W Earle Sawyer, formerly Cadet Lieutenant and Adjutant. Reduced to ranks for “Putting his name on the Leave List and going on leave without authority.”

This case comes before the Board of Visitors upon an application to review the action of the Superintendent and Commandant of Cadets and to relieve the Cadet from consequences of his act in the matter stated –

For a Cadet to go beyond the limits of the garrison without leave has always been held to be one of the most serious offences known to the laws of the institution. Rule 82 of the Regulations is as follows –

“Breach of Garrison Limits – Any Cadet who shall at any time willfully commit a breach of garrison limits shall be dismissed from the Academy” – On Friday evenings and Sundays leaves are granted to such

[Page 22]


Cadets for reasonable times as may not be under restrictions, in the following manner; The Cadets make written applications to the Commandant of Cadets stating the object of the leave and the time desired. Upon consideration of these applications the Commandant, under authority vested in him by the Superintendent endorses his decision upon the applications and turns them over to the Orderly of the Guard who enters those granted upon the “Leave Book” which is kept in the guard room for the inspection of all interested. Upon the return of a Cadet from leave the time of his return is likewise entered and every other remarks as are deemed appropriate. Thus it is that no name can be entered upon the book except by the Orderly of the Guard and by him only when authorized so to do by the Commandant. On the 25 of March last Cadet Adjutant Sawyer entered his own name on the leave book and went beyond the limits of the Academy into the city remaining out for some time – In doing so he committed two serious breaches of Academic law, first in usurping the [illegible] of the Orderly of the Guard who could only have legally put it there by order

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of the Commandant, and secondly in leaving the Academy without leave, for assuredly his own unauthorized act could have conferred no right upon him to go, but rather [illegible] his offence of breaking garrison limits. When his delinquencies came to the knowledge of the Commandant he was placed under arrest, and realizing [sic] the gravity of his offences on the next day 26 March he applied in writing to be allowed to resign his office and to be released from arrest – upon consideration of these applications on the 27 March he was in general orders reduced to ranks and released from arrest and another Cadet namely Cadet Lieut Joseph C. [illegible] was appointed Adjutant in his stead. It appears also that on the same day Cadet Sergeant Walter Mason was reduced to ranks for the same offence of leaving the Academy without authority, claiming that he made application for leave and thought it was granted, knowing that he should have known that his application was granted before going beyond garrison limits and that his punishment was both just and as mild as

[Page 24]


he could namely have expected, he has accepted the same without complaint – In addition to every other consideration Cadet Sawyer could not be returned to his rank without reducing Cadet Lieut & Adjt [illegible] who has done nothing to deserve it – Cadet Sawyer has never offered any excuse or explanation of his conduct or repented to be restored to his office, he did apply to be released from arrest and gone [illegible] some very [illegible] and insufficient grounds [illegible], not withstanding his application in this respect was granted – If those who by their capabilities and previous good conduct have been elevated to the highest honors of cadet life are to be permitted to violate the regulations with impunity; with what justice can others less favored be held to a strict observance of them? It is urged in Cadet Sawyer [illegible] that he reported himself for this violation of the rules and is entitled to consideration on that ground, when it is remembered that under the regulation quoted he might legally and righteously have been expelled, we are bound to assume that

[Page 25]


he has received all the mitigations on this [illegible] that he deserves –

Very pressing appeals have been made to the Board on behalf of this Cadet in this case; one by his Uncle Capt Claude E. Sawyer of Aiken an Ex Officer of the U. S. Volunteer Army and Ex Solicitor of the second Judicial Circuit of this state, and another by U.S. Senator B.R. Tillman his neighbor and friend. These appeals are very strong and the temptation to grant them is very great, but when it is considered that there are many Cadets in the institution now and there will be many more in the future who cannot and are and will not be so fortunate as to command such influences, and that to preserve a semblance of justice and good order in the Academy we must have one measure for all, the Board while deeply regretting its inability to oblige these distinguished citizens, are forced to decide that there is nothing

[Page 26]


Before us to justify our interference with the action of the Academic authorities and the same is therefore approved –

No [illegible] was adopted as the [illegible] of the Board on this subject –

[Page 27]

[Written on side of page.]

Financial Report

[Main page.]

It was moved that the Quarter Master present his financial report to the Chairman for disposition by him, this has since been done, and is now on file with the other papers referring to these minutes

[Written on side of page.]

Next Meeting

[Main page.]

It was moved that the next meeting of the Board be held in the Governors office in Columbia, August 2d 1904 at 12 oClock – noon

[Written on side of page.]

Annual Exercises

[Main page.]

Citadel June 30th 1904

The Board of Visitors, Messrs Sheppard, Lucas, Blythe, and Gadsden met at 10 o’Clock, - and after organization adjourned to meet at Hibernian Hall where the closing exercises of the Academy were held, as follows – An address to Graduates was made by Hon Geo. S. Legare, Diplomas delivered graduates by Chairman, and medals by Col Thomas Star of the West and Sharp Shooters prizes awarded –

The Board of Visitors assembled at the Citadel to consider a question of discipline, viz – officers removing their chevrons before closing celebration of Academy –

Board of Visitors adjourned –

J E Smith
for Secretary

[Page 28]

Columbia S.C. Aug 2d 1904

The Board of Visitors met in the office of the Governor at 12 oClock noon –

Present Maj Lucas, Govr Heyward, Gen’l Frost, and Hon O.E. Martin, also Supt Coward, later Col Gadsden arrived. The meeting was organized with Maj Lucas as Chairman, and J.E. Smith, Secretary –

The minutes of June 28, 29 & 30th were read and confirmed –

The meeting authorized permits for competitive examination be issued to the following applicants –

Wm Walter. Brooks Abbeville
Robert. Ellis. Bell Abbeville
Philip. S. Cromer Abbeville
Edwin Cox Donnald Abbeville
Hy Herman Greene Abbeville
Geo. Calhoun. McCelvey Abbeville
H. [illegible] Purdy Abbeville
Leander. A. Bryson Abbeville
Wm H. Irby Anderson
Gup Mannering Perry Anderson
Jas Roy Pennell Anderson
Jos. V. Elgin Anderson
Jas Luther Smith Anderson
Frank. H. Anderson Anderson
Rufus. H. Gaines Anderson
John. H. Sheaver Anderson
J. Wm. Campbell Colleton
Wm. Godfrey. Hyrne Colleton
H. R. Padgett W Colleton
Jos. Pinckney Walker Colleton
Geo Warren Colleton
Paul McKoun Cherokee
Hy. Russell Wilkins Cherokee
Brooke W. Cannon Darlington
Walker. H. Powe Darlington
Chas. E. Smoot Darlington
Geo. Anderson. Townes Edgefield

[Page 29]

Jas Self Corley – Edgefield
Grover. D. Altman Horry
Enoch Silvis Boker Horry
Joel Hough Jr Kershaw
J. C. Pate Lee –
Geo. M. Delk Lancaster
W. McD. Jones Lancaster
F. C. Poag Lancaster
Paul. Ross. Moore Lancaster
J. Harold. Bostick Marion
Chas Ellis Bethea Marion
W. S. Floyd Marion
John McM Gosque Marion
Jas. Palmer. McMillan Marion
Otis Moore Page Marion
Maxey Ernest Roberts Marion
Jasper. Watson Marion
Jno. F. Wall Marion
Herman. Hy. Brunson Orangeburg
Albert. Seamon Able Orangeburg
Geo Culler Orangeburg
Grover. C. Bolin Orangeburg
D. Barton Fogle Orangeburg
Claude Hauser Orangeburg
Sam. J. Inabnit Orangeburg
Ernest. Herbert. Livingston Orangeburg
Carey Gregory Metts Orangeburg
Wm. B. Salley Orangeburg
Clifton Le Croy Hair Orangeburg
Wm. M. Smoak Orangeburg
Sumter. Allen. Porter Orangeburg
David. M. Myers Orangeburg
Edgar Morris Pickens
A. E. Brown Pickens
C. T. Martin Pickens
Stricker Coles Richland
Jos. W. Denny Richland
Willie Lykes Jr Richland

[Page 30]

Paul Trapier Palmer – Richland
Thos. O. Miller Richland
Ed. Darrell. Smith Richland
Chas. T. Smith Jr Richland
James Hopkins Richland
Clar Edgerton Owens Richland
Walton Pierce Padgett Richland
Norwood Lykes Richland
Frank Butter Sanders Sumter
Ed. David. Andrews Sumter
Louis Cane Bryan Sumter
Seiss Buck Saluda
Geo Washington Matthews Saluda
W Ernest Sawyer Saluda
Water. S. Wingo Spartanburg
R. H. Willis Jr Spartanburg
Frank S Thomason Spartanburg

The following rejections were made –

Jno Randolph Jeffries Cherokee a/c Age –
E. D. Thomas Colleton a/c Age
H. G. Smith Orangeburg a/c Fathers Income
C. A. McLendon Lee a/c Age
Oscar. B. Adams Lancaster a/c Age

[Written on side of page.]

State canvas of Col Thomas

[Main page.]

Chairman read report of Col Jno. P. Thomas on his recent canvas of certain Counties in the State, in the interest of the Academy. It was moved and adopted that a note of thanks be extended to Col Thomas for his interest and zeal in the work of the Academy. The board agreed to his proposition to retain the unused balance of the $100 – advanced by order of Chairman –

[Written on side of page.]

Athletic sport

[Main page.]

The following resolution was offered and adopted –

Resolved – That the Academy encourage Athletic sports, especially base ball –

[Written on side of page.]

Captain Kennedy

[Main page.]

In reference to request of Capt Benj. Kennedy to be relieved of his obligation to teach, the following

[Page 31]

resolution was adopted –

Resolved – That Capt Benjamin Kennedy be released from his bond to teach –

[Written on side of page.]

Report of U.S. Inspector Capt Alston Hamilton

[Main page.]

Report of Capt Alston Hamilton of the Artillery Corps, U S Army Inspector was read and received as information, the board was highly pleased with this very encouraging report of the discipline and efficiency of the cadets, and took measures to place it before the public –

The date fixed for the competitive examination of Beneficiary applicants was August 26th 1904

A resolution was adopted that the Chairman be authorized to pass upon such applications as have been delayed or returned for further information –

[Written on side of page.]


[Main page.]

Col Coward was requested to correspondence with the War Dept, and submit the names of
Capt. W. H. Simons 6th U S Infantry
Capt Jno. J. Bradley 14th U S Infantry
Capt Wm Yates 14th U S Cavalry
as suitable officers for detail as Commandant of Cadets and Military Instructor –

[Written on side of page.]

Addresses by Graduating class

[Main page.]

The subject of members of the graduating classes being ordered to prepare and make an address at Commencement exercises, was considered and postponed to the Annual meeting in December next – His Excellency the Governor was requested and readily consented to ascertain the custom or usage at the Virginia Military Institute –

Committee on B.S. Degree was prepared to report but it was deferred until the Annual Meeting in Dec’r next –

Board adjourned at 2.30 pm –

J. E. Smith Sec’y –

[Page 32]

Citadel – Charleston Aug 3d 1904

At a meeting of the Executive Committee, present Maj J. J. Lucas, and Maj C. S. Gadsden, at the Citadel, Charleston, S.C. August 3d 1904, the attached estimate submitted for work done and material furnished by the contractors Messrs Evans, Almirall & Co under their contract for introducing a Heating Plant in the buildings of the South Carolina Military Academy –

For work done & material furnished to Aug 5th 1904 – 5.940 –
85% payable under contract 5.049 –
Retained 15% $891 -

Total as per contract $8.648 –
Paid as above 5.049 –
Due $3.599 –

C. S. Gadsden
J. J. Lucas
W. W. Lewis } Executive Committee

J. E. Smith

[Page 33]

Charleston Sept 21st 1904

Pursuant to call of the Chairman of the Board of Visitors, the Executive Committee of the Board met at the Citadel at 12 oClock Wednesday September 21st 1904, present all members –

The work already done in connection with the installation of the heating and lighting plants was carefully inspected by the Committee and compared with the plans and specifications –

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Committee that the work was nearly completed in a satisfactory manner –

Resolved – That when it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Chairman of the Board that the work has been completed according to plans and specifications, the Chairman be authorized to accept same, approve estimates for balance due and to do such other things as may be necessary to effect a final settlement with the contractors –

(signed) W. W. Lewis
Acting Sec’y

[Page 34]

Citadel – Charleston December 13th 1904

The Board of Visitors met in Annual session at 12 oClock midday of this date. Present Col Gadsden, Maj Lucas, Messrs Lewis, Blythe, Sheppard, Gov. Heyward, Gen’l Frost, Hon O.B. Martin, Col Herbert, and Col Aldrich – 10.

[Written on side of page.]

Detail of Capt Simons

[Main page.]

Chairman reported that upon application made for Commandant the reply was that detail were for 3 yrs. Capt McMaster having resigned before the expiration of his detail Capt W H Simons, 6th Infantry, USA, was upon request of Board detailed by the War Department as Commandant.

The following resolution report was introduced by Col Aldrich and unanimously adopted.

Barnwell, S.C., 2nd. Jany. 1905.

Col. C. S. Gadsden, Chairman B. V. S. C. M. A.,

Charleston, S. C.,

My dear sir: -- At the last meeting of the Board it became my duty as usual as Chairman of the finance committee to inspect the office of the Quartermaster and to examine his books and accounts. I devoted more than ordinary care and pains to this work at this meeting, and am happy to report that I find every thing as it should be; the office is run intelligently and all the books and accounts are kept in admirable order. All of the disbursements of the funds are properly vouched and the papers of the office are kept in such an orderly and methodical manner, as to render the work of examination and investigation simple and easy. The incumbent of this important and laborious office, Capt. W. W. White, continues to have show that energy, efficiency and fidelity in the performance of his duties which has charactised [sic] him throughout the entire period he has occupied the position, and I feel it but just to him and due by the Academy to itself to recognise [sic] in some substantial manner its obligations to this faithful officer, and I recommend such increase of his salary as the finances of the Institution will admit of.

My connection with the Board of Visitors terminates with this meeting, and while I may not serve longer in an official capacity, I wish to assure you sir, and my colleagues of the Board, the Faculty and every one connected with the Academy, that when ever I can be of service in any way and at any time, I will feel it both a duty and a pleasure to respond.

Yours Very Respectfully and Truly,
R. H. Aldrich

[Page 35]

[Written on side of page.]

Memorial to City Council about Police Station

[Main page.]

Col Aldrich reported that his Committee had prepared a memorial to City Council and had appeared before the Ways and Means Committee of the City, and presented the matter fully. The City Council showed every disposition to cooperate with the Committee of the Academy. Subsequently a sub-committee of Ways and Means was appointed to confer with Academic Committee. These committees met together. The sub-committee manifested a desire to acquiesce in the wishes of the Academy but thought that an appropriation should be made by the Legislature as part compensation for the loss of the building. While no definite agreement has yet been reached the Committee have every reason to hope that an agreement may be reached and the matter finally settled favorably for the Academy –

[Page 36]

A discussion then took place upon the advisability of asking aid from the present General Assembly –

Resolved – The the [sic] Board has heard with gratification of the friendly spirit in which the City Council of Charleston has received and treated our proposition for the removal of the Police Station, and in view of the urgency of the matter to the Academy, we respectfully request the City Council to give us their decision by the first day of January next –

[Written on side of page.]

Frost in place of Aldrich

[Main page.]

Resolved – That the Committee of the Board in charge of this matter be continued and that the vacancy which will occur by the retirement of Col Aldrich be supplied by the appointment of General Frost – adopted

[Written on side of page.]

Renting of Farm

[Main page.]

The question of renting a farm for the benefit of the Academy was referred to the Chairman and Superintendent with power to act – (Recess here taken to review Corps)

[Written on side of page.]

Cost of lights to Faculty

[Main page.]

A motion was made that the Faculty receive the benefit of the rate obtained by the Academy for lights, but that each member of the Faculty pay for the lights used by him –

[Written on side of page.]

Degree of Bachelor of Science

[Main page.]

The Committee to whom was referred the request of the Association of Graduates to confer the degree of Bachelor of Science upon all graduates of the South Carolina Military Academy, has duly considered the same, and it is the unanimous opinion of the members of your Committee, that it should be granted, as the high standard required for graduation, richly merits such distinction adopted –

J. J. Lucas
E. M. Blythe
D. O. Herbert } Committee

[Written on side of page.]

Two Cadets to be selected as Orator each year

[Main page.]

Resolved – That two cadets be chosen by the Supt each year from the graduating class to deliver orations at the commencement exercises – adopted

Resolved – That hereafter the exercises of the Academy be suspended during Christmas were from reveille December 24th to midnight of January 2d – adopted –

At 2 30 pm Board took a recess until 4 pm –

[Page 37]

Board reconvened at 4 pm – Present Col Gadsden, Maj Lucas, Messrs Lewis, Blythe, Sheppard and Col Aldrich, Col Herbert Gen’l Frost – 8. Superintendent submitted his report as follows –

[Written on side of page.]

Report of Superintendent

[Main page.]

Col C S Gadsden
Chairman Board of Visitors

Dear Sir: In view of the important work of installing a heating plant, I did not leave the City until about the 19th of July, and returned on the 13th of August. The Quarter Master returned about the first of September, and the heavy work of clearing up the debris and putting the premises in order for the resumption of regular Academic duties was actively begun. In no previous year has more labor and expedition been required for the usual work of scouring, painting, color-washing, repair, and renovation of mattresses, in addition to the removal of litter, had all to be so done as not to interfere with the work of the several contractors. I am glad to report that the heating plant was completed practically on contract time, that the wiring for electric lighting of Cadet barracks was in working condition, and that every thing was in readiness for receiving the returning Cadets on the first of October. Under the vastly improved physical condition of the property, the session opened promisingly in point of numbers - -Enrolment –

At the close of the commencement exercises there were upon the roll as shown by the Official Register

51 Beneficiary and 50 Pay Cadets 101
Honorably discharged during vacation
1 Beneficiary – 6 Pay – 7 –
*Turned back and failed to return 5 12
On roll – October 89

Beneficiary 19
Pay 39 58
68 B
79 P} Total now on the roll – 147

*H H Harris
T. E. Cooper
S M Solomon
W. D. McClary
W D. Johnson} Having been turned back for deficiency they should be noted on Academic Register as Dismissed

[Page 38]

With the exception of three, these recruits are of good size. Seven of them are from Cuba. In consequence of their lack of knowledge of the English language it has been found necessary to put them in a class outside of our Curriculum in the hope that they will be able to take up the regular course next year –

Except as to them, the Academic work is distributed as shown in the scheme herewith submitted – (Doc 4b)

To them Col Lynes gives five hours a week in English. Maj Mazyck 2 ½ hours a week in French, and I give from three to five hours a week of oral instruction in Mathematics. They attend Capt Cantey’s fourth class recitations in English History mainly as a stimulation or, rather an opportunity to acquire English by hearing, and a knowledge of history by saturation.

This course is, at present, tentative and experimental, and must be replaced ultimately with something more formal and systematic, if we desire to enlarge our patronage among the Spanish speaking people of Cuba and Porto [sic] Rico –

[Written on side of page.]

State Fair –

[Main page.]

During your absence from the State, the time for holding the State Fair came on. As a pressing invitation had been received for the Corps of Cadets to attend, and there was every prospect that there would be in Columbia the largest assemblage of the people of the State ever had there, I took the Corps, by Special train to that City on Thursday of Fair week –

While the hour selected, and the time allotted, for the exhibition drill of the Cadets was, by the exogenous of the days programme [sic], not as suitable as we might have wished, yet the performance of the Corps was very satisfactory. The bearing of the Cadets during the entire trip was highly commendable –

I am glad to report that the change of Commandant occasioned by Capt McMaster’s request to be retired, and by the prompt assignment of Capt W. H. Simons to take his place, was made without the least jar,

[Page 39]

or friction, Capt Simons, being an alumnus of the institution – Class 1890 – was already familiar with the discipline and administration functions of the Academy; consequently , there was no delay or embarrassment in assuming the duties of his position –

The health of the Corps has been remarkably good thus far – The only serious case of sickness that has occurred was that of recruit Tuten, pay cadet from Hampton County, in whom a case of typhoid fever was developed the night after his arrival. He was sent to the St Francis Xavier Infirmary with the approval of his father, and after several weeks, returned to the institution. He is not yet entirely fit for duty, but is daily improving.

Asking your attention to accompanying documents,

I am, very respectfully
Asbury Coward

Doc 1 Roll of Cadets
Doc 2 Names of Recruits
Doc 3 Religious affiliation of Cadets
Doc 4a Organization of Battalion
Doc 4b Scheme of Recitation
Doc 5 Communication of Cadet Waring & others about Base ball team
Doc 6 Communication of Cadet Richey about Base ball team

[Written on side of page.]

Base Ball Team

[Main page.]

Petition of Base ball team as follows granted subject to Superintendents endorsement

To the Board of Visitors
South Carolina Military Academy

Gentlemen: I have the honor to apply for seven days leave of absence from the Academy, beginning May the first at six o’clock am, and ending May the seventh at ten o’clock pm, for myself and eleven other members of the base ball team, in order that base ball games already scheduled, (none of which are beyond the limits of the State) may be played. No Cadet found to be deficient at the above stated time will be allowed to accompany the team. The last tour allowed the base ball team, representing the institution was given in the Spring of 1901.

[Page 40]

Since the prospects for good base ball are more promising this year than they have been for several years previous, and knowing this to be all excellent advertising medium for the welfare of the institution, I think this privilege should be allowed –

Respectfully submitted
Cadet William R. Richey Jr
Capt and Manager

[Written on side of page.]

Foot ball Team

[Main page.]

Petition of Corps to play foot ball granted under the supervision of a member of the Faculty, and subject to the approval of the parents of those Cadets desiring to play, and confined to games among themselves – as follows –

To the Board of Visitors
South Carolina Military Academy –

Gentlemen: -

I would most respectfully apply in behalf of the Corps of Cadets for permission to play the game of foot ball at the Academy, I beg leave to submit the following in support of this application:

First – Foot ball is in vogue during the fall and winter months; a time when few other out-of-door sports can be indulged in.

Second – Foot ball is a College game and is played by most American Colleges of any repute –

Third – Foot ball tends to develop college spirit and therefore to popularize the college in which played.

Fourth – The lack of a gymnasium will be in part overcome by the development resulting from foot ball –

Fifth – Foot ball is played at the Virginia Military Institute. It is not only permitted but encouraged at West Point and Annapolis, the two Government Military Academies –

Sixth – The playing of foot ball will not materially interfere with the military feature

[Page 41]

of this Academy. Statistics show that the percentage of injuries resulting from the game is very small and the serious injuries received are a negligible quantity -

See Spaulding’s Official Foot ball Guide for 1904 – pages 45 to 51 –

Respectfully submitted
Clark Waring Jr –

I favor allowing the Cadets to play football –
Robert – G – Thomas –

So do I –
St James Cummings –

I am in favor of the Cadets being allowed to play foot ball under regulations of Faculty as to required percentage of proficiency in studies –
J W Cantey

I favor permitting the Cadets to play foot ball
J. T. Coleman

I am in favor of permitting the Cadets to play foot ball under regulations which will not in any way interfere with the performance by a Cadet of his regular routine duties –

W. H. Simons
Capt 6th Infantry, Commandant of Cadets

I approved the action of the Board of Visitors in prohibiting foot ball some years ago – Subsequent observation has not changed my views of the matter
Asbury Coward

[Written on side of page.]

Invitation Association of Graduates

[Main page.]

The Annual Meeting of the Association of Graduates will be held tomorrow, (Dec 15th) evening at six o’clock, in the Chapel of the Citadel. An informal collation will be served in the Mess hall immediately afterwards. The Board of Visitors are cordially invited to be present – this invitation accepted –

By Col Aldrich to increase the salary of Col Lynes for the present year to the amount of $100.00 in consideration of extra services rendered – adopted –

[Page 42]

[Written on side of page.]

Increase salary bugler

[Main page.]

By Col Herbert to increase the salary of bugler to $40 00 per month – adopted –

[Written on side of page.]

Capt McMaster

[Main page.]

Col Aldrich moved that the Chairman be requested to write Capt McMaster conveying to him the appreciation of the Board of Visitors for his services adopted –

[Written on side of page.]

Hon Robt. Aldrich

[Main page.]

The following resolution by Hon. O. Sheppard, of appreciation of the services of Col Robt Aldrich, were unanimously adopted, and handsomely engrossed copy sent to Col Aldrich Feby 2d 1905 –

WHEREAS, the Hon. Robert Aldrich – by reason of his retirement from the State Senate, of South Carolina, will soon sever his connection with this Board:


FIRST – That we, the members of The Board of Visitors of the S. C. M. A. in annual session assembled – deem it not a very great pleasure, but a simple duty – to perpetuate on the records of our Board – an expression of our admiration and profound appreciation of the loyalty and ability, which has characterized the conduct of Col Aldrich as a member of our Board.

That we especially desire to tender to him our sincerest thanks, and most grateful appreciation, for the signal ability and loyal devotion manifested by him – in the various conferences with the City Council of Charleston – looking to the adjustment of the matter of the Police Station.

SECOND – That we desire to assure him that he has won our admiration and highest esteem, that his place cannot easily be filled; and we wish to further assure him that he will carry through life our warmest regards, and our best wishes for his continued success and happiness.

THIRD – That these resolutions be spread upon the Minutes of our Board, and that a copy be sent to the Hon Robert Aldrich.


Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, “Minutes of the Board of Visitors of The Citadel, 1904,” The Citadel Archives Digital Collections, accessed September 18, 2024, https://citadeldigitalarchives.omeka.net/items/show/1346.