Browse Items (1819 total)

The first section of the journal kept by James Aiken details his account as a Union prisoner of war. He recounts the journey from Virginia to Johnson's Island, Ohio where he was imprisoned. The journal also contains lists of soldiers and their…

The second section of the journal kept by James Aiken contains lists of soldiers and their provisions as well as a muster roll.

19050410 Albas.pdf
Letter from Joseph Albas to Asbury Coward, President of The Citadel.

19041224 Alouis.pdf
Letter from Louisa Alouis to Colonel J. Colton Lynes, professor at The Citadel.

19041229 Alouis.pdf
Letter from Louisa Alouis to Colonel J. Colton Lynes, professor at The Citadel.

Carleton Bailiff.jpg
Music by Carleton Bailiff III submitted as part of The Citadel Archives COVID-19 Collection on May 14, 2020.

Bailiff wrote: "In the midst of the pandemic, it was tough to stay focused on my coursework. When I am at home, I automatically relax; not…

19191002 Boland.pdf
Letter written by B.C. Boland to Colonel Oliver J. Bond, dated October 2, 1919. In this letter Boland explains his military service and civilian career during and post World War I to Bond.

Oliver J. Bond, Superintendent (President) of The Citadel, writes to John P. Thomas saying that he has drawn a rough sketch of the new Citadel campus to give a general idea of his suggestions for the layout and buildings.

Bond 1918 Sketch copy.jpg
Oliver J. Bond sketched this drawing of the new Citadel campus (171 Moultrie Street) in October of 1918. Addressed to John P. Thomas, Bond wrote "I do not propose this as a layout for the New Citadel, but only a suggestion as to the number of…

Bond Diary 1 Small.pdf
Oliver J. Bond was a member of The Citadel’s Class of 1886. After graduation, he accepted the position of assistant professor of mathematics at The Citadel. From this position, he went on to become a full professor, and president of The Citadel from…
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